I waited for a week and I had no news and my guarantor didn't receive any calls. So I decided to call them again today. I explained my situation, my travel at the beginning of September and that I called them last week.
The agent on the phone was very polite and told me that he could transfer it to my city and pay the fees (45$). What I found silly is that when they do the transfer it is not certain that the file will be accepted by the local office. I did receive a confirmation by email that the application transfer was requested.
They advised to wait for two weeks during which they would call me to give me a date to get my passport directly at the Passport Office. If they don't call me, I will have to go to the passport office 48h before my travel date (and pay the fees of course).
I don't have the capacity to know if my application will be transferred or not except the payment on my card. Or I can call them everyday and ask them if the application was transferred and treated.
I AM SO FRUSTRATED!!! but I can only bid my time until they call me for now.
I called today because I had no news and my travel date is approaching (the 3rd of September). The agent verified my application and told me that it's still under review and that there is a transfer request for this file which is correct (i received the email confirming the request).
He then asked me if my guarantor was called to which I replied "no".
He said that my guarantor needed to call a specific number and answer questions from an agent (also my guarantor needed to have my file number ready).
At that point, I really thought it was a mistake but he repeated that I needed to do that in order to clarify that point. I was never asked that before but anyway, I sent a message to my guarantor asking her to phone that number and indicate my file number. She did it quickly and the agent on the phone asked her questions about me etc. She finally said that they have everything they needed. The agent told my guarantor that they will call me in two days. If I don't receive any call I need to call them again.
I hope I'm near the end of the process because it's getting boring.