Hi, i submitted mine by post in February 2021 from outside Canada, but still not AOR. I've chased the High Commission but they don't know anything. From reading other posts i think i won't hear anything for another 3-4 months. It's completely outrageous to have to wait this long for essentially a piece of paper.
They started processing in Feb 04 for me, Also shows decision made as of today
App received-Oct 2,2020
Aor- Sep 02, 2021
Started processing - Feb 04, 2022
Decision made- Feb 04, 2022
On 2/11/2022 the Proof of Citizenship application filed online on 11/19/2020 has been approved. I am hoping to get the certificate before end of next week or a week after. Good luck to all.
Hi all
My son file was approved on february 09, 2022 and i Am waiting for certificate , son living in india so i gave address for India. can any one please tell me after how many days my wife will get the citizenship certificate in mail ( in India).
On 2/11/2022 the Proof of Citizenship application filed online on 11/19/2020 has been approved. I am hoping to get the certificate before end of next week or a week after. Good luck to all.
check on ecas with your son UCI or application number, it will say to which address it was sent to ... but normally if you sent it for your son within canada it will be sent to you, otherwise if your wife send the application through a consulate overseas, it will be sent to that consulate and your wife will have to pick it up, but log into ecas it will show where it was sent to
I mailed off my application on March 2, 2021 and the office in Sydney received it on March 14, 2021. I still have not received my AOR and it's been almost a year. I tried submitting an enquiry but I realized that I can't because I don't have a Client ID Number so it won't let me.
Did anyone receive their certificate and how long did it take for you to receive it after the approval? My son's application was approved on 2/11 and not sure when it will be delivered.
I mailed off my application on March 2, 2021 and the office in Sydney received it on March 14, 2021. I still have not received my AOR and it's been almost a year. I tried submitting an enquiry but I realized that I can't because I don't have a Client ID Number so it won't let me.
I'm applying for citizenship through descent and am applying from North Carolina. I feel like it shouldn't take 15 months. Maybe if I applied a year earlier when things were more shut down because of Covid it would take 15 months. Something doesn't feel right. Maybe they misplaced my application.