I was just wondering once the test is completed, do you get any sort of notification directly after completion? An email or something. Or do you just have to wait until the tracker updates?
I was just wondering once the test is completed, do you get any sort of notification directly after completion? An email or something. Or do you just have to wait until the tracker updates?
Yeah I did my test and once it ended it showed me my score which I passed and that was it. Just wondering if you receive any notifications to say that it has been completed and being reviewed before actually getting the update in the tracker?
I was just wondering once the test is completed, do you get any sort of notification directly after completion? An email or something. Or do you just have to wait until the tracker updates?
You get an email with the unofficial test results ONLY if you click the email results button at the end of the test. If that option was not clicked, you need to wait for the officer to review the results and update it in the tracker which takes anywhere between 2-10 business days depending upon the office and officer.
They would give a paper certificate at the ceremony irrespective of what you opted during application. We can request them to change it at the ceremony but that will delay it as they will shred the paper certificate and then issue e-certificate in about 5 business days.
You get an email with the unofficial test results ONLY if you click the email results button at the end of the test. If that option was not clicked, you need to wait for the officer to review the results and update it in the tracker which takes anywhere between 2-10 business days depending upon the office and officer.
The LPPS was completed on August 20, and I received the notification on August 22. Only the ceremony is left. Is there an approximate date for when I can expect the 'decision made' status after everything is completed?
The LPPS was completed on August 20, and I received the notification on August 22. Only the ceremony is left. Is there an approximate date for when I can expect the 'decision made' status after everything is completed?
Type: Online application
Location: Calgary
Physical Presence Days: 1311
Application: Single/Family(number of family members): single
Application sent: May06,2024
Delivered: May 06,2024
AOR: August 13, 2024
Tracker Linked: August 15, 2024
processing Office: Sydney - on AOR
Nothing after that. Tracker says updated on August 23rd but I see nothing in the activities.