Hello all.
I did 4 ships with my company. They refuse to give any doc as required by for Canadian immigration. Just have sea service letters. What's the way out?
I am a Chief Officer on tankers with a indian masters licence, i have about 16 years of work experience and a PTE score of 8.5, i am 35 years old. However I do not have a BSc degree, so I wanted to know if I could apply for a Canadian immigration or not.
Hello all.
I did 4 ships with my company. They refuse to give any doc as required by for Canadian immigration. Just have sea service letters. What's the way out?
I am a Chief Officer on tankers with a indian masters licence, i have about 16 years of work experience and a PTE score of 8.5, i am 35 years old. However I do not have a BSc degree, so I wanted to know if I could apply for a Canadian immigration or not.
Hi does WES Evaluate Diploma in nautical science only diploma not bsc.
I did it from ts rehman ignou batch in 2006 now i dont have the enrollment number, what shall i do to grt enrollment number itherwise i cant order my transcripts.
Hi does WES Evaluate Diploma in nautical science only diploma not bsc.
I did it from ts rehman ignou batch in 2006 now i dont have the enrollment number, what shall i do to grt enrollment number itherwise i cant order my transcripts.
I am sure they will evaluate it, but the equivalence you get for that is a question mark. Why don’t you try contacting TS Rehman. I think it would be a good way to go about your enrolment number. Alternatively you could also check with IGNOU with your college enrolment details, not sure as to how this would pan out though.
I am sure they will evaluate it, but the equivalence you get for that is a question mark. Why don’t you try contacting TS Rehman. I think it would be a good way to go about your enrolment number. Alternatively you could also check with IGNOU with your college enrolment details, not sure as to how this would pan out though.
Well, i called TS Rehman they said they don't that old data, now i have dropped an RTI to ignou to give me my enrollement number so i can order my transcripts. Damm it, without 2 or more certificates my scoe is 427 and with that 454 that big a difference it is.
I am a Filipino Master or Captain and active Seafarer in the offshore industry. I have work experienced more than 3 years to my currrent position and more than 20yrs as a Seafarer beginning from Deck Rating untill Master. I had Bachelors Degree Diploma on Marine Transportation or BSMT course on college. I had a national license including COC and COE for the Master. I am 43 yrs old now with two kids and spouse. My question is am I qualified for PR Visa, How can I work to Canada using my national License or COC/COE or present position onboard. I am also a contractual seaman 3 months on and 3 months of and I worked on so many company outside the Philippines. Please advise me as Im willing to migrate to Canada and work in the same field. Thanks
To add to it, Transport canada doesnot assess foreign coc, they can only assess your stcw courses. So if you have the required seatime you can qualify for direct examination of the same rank. It includes giving 8-10 written exams, oral exam, gmdss course and simulator course. Both the courses are expensive and have a transport canada exam with simulator one costing around 3500 dollar and lasting for 6 weeks. Most of the foreign coc guys end up starting as a seaman after their seatime assessment as the process for tc coc is long. But seaman job is also well paid not much difference than a junior officer salary. So the road is tough and time consuming but a dedicated person can acheive it. But all this can only be done after coming to Canada and receiving your pr card.
Hey Guys , I understand that this trend in only for immigration purpose but since our profession is so unique and nobody from outside seems to know much about it , i want to know from people really into immigrating to Canada . After landing in Canada after getting PR , how does one apply for Canadian COC , is there a equivalency exam or one has to start right from scratch, time and approx cost involved with this . What is requirement seatime requirement Chief Mate exam ? After landing in Canada how much time it will take for us to get sailing again ?
Hey Guys , I understand that this trend in only for immigration purpose but since our profession is so unique and nobody from outside seems to know much about it , i want to know from people really into immigrating to Canada . After landing in Canada after getting PR , how does one apply for Canadian COC , is there a equivalency exam or one has to start right from scratch, time and approx cost involved with this . What is requirement seatime requirement Chief Mate exam ? After landing in Canada how much time it will take for us to get sailing again ?
If you hold a chief mate coc you can qualify for direct exam for the same rank if you have 48 months seatime in any rank including a minimum of 12 months as OOW. Direct examination includes giving around 6 written exams, passing all the stcw courses if done in any India, 6 week simulator course,gmdss course and oral exam. The simulator,gmdss and pscrb course has a practical exam to pass by transport canada. The total cost goes to approx 15k cad and it will take upto a year or even more. After getting your chief mate coc, you start as a junior officer and get promoted within by the company as and when they find you suitable.
If you hold a chief mate coc you can qualify for direct exam for the same rank if you have 48 months seatime in any rank including a minimum of 12 months as OOW. Direct examination includes giving around 6 written exams, passing all the stcw courses if done in any India, 6 week simulator course,gmdss course and oral exam. The simulator,gmdss and pscrb course has a practical exam to pass by transport canada. The total cost goes to approx 15k cad and it will take upto a year or even more. After getting your chief mate coc, you start as a junior officer and get promoted within by the company as and when they find you suitable.
Thanks for your valuable information this was really helpful ,I am not holding a Chief Mate COC , I understand i dont have enough seatime for chief mates . I am currently holder of 2ND Mates COC so can i appear for 2nd mates equivalent exams ? I understand it will take around a year and approx 15k cad . What are job prospects for junior officers , after clearing exams can one sail as third mate or has to sail as crew . Will the procedure remain same if i wants to sail in inland water passenger ferries ?
Thanks for your valuable information this was really helpful ,I am not holding a Chief Mate COC , I understand i dont have enough seatime for chief mates . I am currently holder of 2ND Mates COC so can i appear for 2nd mates equivalent exams ? I understand it will take around a year and approx 15k cad . What are job prospects for junior officers , after clearing exams can one sail as third mate or has to sail as crew . Will the procedure remain same if i wants to sail in inland water passenger ferries ?
36 months seatime in any rank is required to appear for 2nd mate exams. The courses and procedure is exactly the same for coastal or inland waters. As the procedure takes upto 1 year or more, everyone starts as a seaman to cover up the costs and living expenses. As the companies are very few, its little hard to get in as currently there are already sufficient officers in the Canadian trade.
36 months seatime in any rank is required to appear for 2nd mate exams. The courses and procedure is exactly the same for coastal or inland waters. As the procedure takes upto 1 year or more, everyone starts as a seaman to cover up the costs and living expenses. As the companies are very few, its little hard to get in as currently there are already sufficient officers in the Canadian trade.
Thanks for sharing information sir , i have just i more thing to ask . If I fulfill seatime requirement for chief mates but possess 2ND Mate COC from INDIA . Can i directly apply for chief mates examination in Canada?
Thanks for sharing information sir , i have just i more thing to ask . If I fulfill seatime requirement for chief mates but possess 2ND Mate COC from INDIA . Can i directly apply for chief mates examination in Canada?
To qualify for a chief mate exams you need to possess a foreign chief mate coc. For more info visit:
TP2293 - Transport Canada www.tc.gc.ca › tp2293 › pdf › tp2293e or search Tp2293.