Just an update: The passport was out for delivery yesterday and they left the notice card in the community mailbox for pick up from the nearest PO. As it was sent to my old address, which is a 3-hour drive from where I live right now. I called a month ago and they told me that they updated the address to new but they didn't bother to update the file. Now I have to get my passport from there.
Just an update: The passport was out for delivery yesterday and they left the notice card in the community mailbox for pick up from the nearest PO. As it was sent to my old address, which is a 3-hour drive from where I live right now. I called a month ago and they told me that they updated the address to new but clearly they didn't bother to update the file. Now I have to get my passport from there.
Nope, it didn't show anything coming as I have my account linked to my new address so I believed that they changed my address on the application. I came to know when called and asked for my application status. She gave me the tracking number.
Nope, it didn't show anything coming as I have my account linked to my new address so I believed that they changed my address on the application. I came to know when called and asked for my application status. She gave me the tracking number.
Makes sense, thank you for your reply. I am wondering if the automatic tracking from Canada Post works for packages sent by Passport Canada. I checked my mailbox and the app every day.
That makes sense, thank you for your reply. I am wondering if the automatic tracking from Canada Post works for packages sent by Passport Canada. I checked my mailbox and the app every day.
I know that feeling, I was so done with waiting. It is frustrating. Hope you get yours soon. Try calling them and if it's sent you can get the tracking number. Good luck.
So between last week and this week, they issued 6 passports with applications received in April (With 126,893 outstanding), and 4 applied in May (120,805 outstanding).
Applied in May, at this rate, the backlog for May will be cleared in 30,201 weeks.
I've been following this thread for a few months since I sent my son's application out on April 18. It was received in Gatineau on April 19 and my CC was charged on May 10.
I booked my trip in April for an October 1 flight thinking there would be plenty of time but all the stories here got me worried because my son requires a visa too. I called the 6868 toll free number several times and always got the same response - still under review.
Earlier this week I asked them to transfer my file to the local passport office but they refused since it needed to be within 20 business days. I asked them to send my son's birth certificate back but they could only say that they would try. I tried contacting MP office this week but they needed an appt from the embassy or a letter from my travel agency to expedite. Travel agent who was going to get visa for me refused because I didn't purchase the flight ticket with him. I contemplated booking a fake trip to the States to expedite my son's passport.
Anyways today I decided to call 6868 number to check on the status since I read that some people who sent 1 week prior to mine were receiving passports. This time the lady that answered seemed less friendly and asked where I got this phone number which was unusual since I just called the toll free number. I have most luck getting through around noon. This leads me to think that she was probably from the guarantor phone line since some have reported similar questions when calling the other phone number. She told me the usual story saying that passport was still in progress and that I could only transfer within 20 business days. I told her that I needed it early because I also need to apply for a visa so she somehow agreed to transfer it this time. I told her that I needed the passport next week so she said that she would try but no guarantees that it would be accepted. She also mentioned that the birth certificate had also been sent back which should save me the $40 for getting another one.
Well later in the night I received a phone call from an Unknown number. It turned out to be the passport office saying that I could pick it up on Tuesday. Yay. Good luck to all and perhaps try to transfer your file to a local office. Sorry for the long story but I finally feel some stress lifted.