Does anyone know if we can also create tracker for minors? I still cannot create tracker for my son, created mine yesterday but for his application still getting the same error message. Also, on my tracker only visible update is that I got AOR on September 7th, so 20 days from then. For my husband he got background completed and test invite in 20 days since AOR. That’s crazy how differently they process single applicants vs. the ones with a minor
I was finally able to create tracker. And same for my daughters application. Cannot create tracker. I was about to ask you about the same. My update says background check completed . Rest in progress except citizenship test
Type: Online application
Location: Mississauga, ON
Physical Presence Days: 1311
Application: Single
Application sent: Aug 07, 2023
Delivered: Aug 07, 2023
AOR: Not yet received.
I was finally able to create tracker. And same for my daughters application. Cannot create tracker. I was about to ask you about the same. My update says background check completed . Rest in progress except citizenship test
Did you use the UCI And Application number to get into the tracker? I got AOR on Sept 20 and when I try it says “Incorrect or invalid information. Review and make sure it matches the information submitted…” is the this normal though ? If anyone have same issue
I was finally able to create tracker. And same for my daughters application. Cannot create tracker. I was about to ask you about the same. My update says background check completed . Rest in progress except citizenship test
Yay!!! I told you so!! I’m so happy for you, as you and me were the ones who waited the longest. Their tracker doesn’t really matter much as they don’t go on test and oath and they will get their citizenship when we get it! My tracker update as of today also says background completed! Finally some movements! We deserve it!
Did you use the UCI And Application number to get into the tracker? I got AOR on Sept 20 and when I try it says “Incorrect or invalid information. Review and make sure it matches the information submitted…” is the this normal though ? If anyone have same issue
Type: Online application
Location: Vancouver
Physical Presence Days: 1165
Application: Single
Application sent: Aug 05, 2023
Delivered: Aug 05, 2023
AOR: Sep 11
Got an update today
*1 new update
Does anyone knows how to check that update?