Thank you!! Everything in process, except from test and oath. Interesting thing is that the update was made today, so that’s why I was finally able to creat it! I think that basically until someone actually touches your file , the tracker can’t be made, and that’s why we have error when we try to make it. I am 100% sure you will be able to create tracker in few days as well!
Thank you!! Everything in process, except from test and oath. Interesting thing is that the update was made today, so that’s why I was finally able to creat it! I think that basically until someone actually touches your file , the tracker can’t be made, and that’s why we have error when we try to make it. I am 100% sure you will be able to create tracker in few days as well!
Thank you so much for the encouragement! But in another forum i saw people posting they got oath invitation but still unable to create account! Lets keep hope. All the best again
Type: Online application
Location: Markham
Physical Presence Days: 1095
Application: Single-Online
Application sent: Aug 24, 2023
AOR: Sep 27, 2023 6 am Toronto time email from Sydney
My tracker got new update today but I see no changes. Everything is still in progress except Test not started and oath not started. AOR is September 18. Should I expect fingerprint request?
Im on other groups on Facebook etc.. and i also saw there people who got invitation for the test but still not access to the tracker.
Or other people who took their oath but tracker is still in progress.
I won't worry too much, if we receive the AOR that's a good news, because we are in the pipe and our application is being processed.
Im on other groups on Facebook etc.. and i also saw there people who got invitation for the test but still not access to the tracker.
Or other people who took their oath but tracker is still in progress.
I won't worry too much, if we receive the AOR that's a good news, because we are in the pipe and our application is being processed.