My tracker got new update today but I see no changes. Everything is still in progress except Test not started and oath not started. AOR is September 18. Should I expect fingerprint request?
Does anyone know if we can also create tracker for minors? I still cannot create tracker for my son, created mine yesterday but for his application still getting the same error message. Also, on my tracker only visible update is that I got AOR on September 7th, so 20 days from then. For my husband he got background completed and test invite in 20 days since AOR. That’s crazy how differently they process single applicants vs. the ones with a minor
I checked tracker today and it was written “a new update” with today’s date. But nothing changed elsewhere. I didnt get any email. I didnt even get email to create tracker. The only email I got till now was for AOR.
Did it show up in your tracker as action required or you just got the email invitation directly? My test window in the trackers says Oct 3 - Oct 24 but no actual invite yet...
Yeah the ghost update was Sep 22 but when i scroll down, the background completed was done on Sep 20.
As for the test invite, i did not get a ghost update. Infact, i logged in just before the email came in and there were no changes in my account.
Did it show up in your tracker as action required or you just got the email invitation directly? My test window in the trackers says Oct 3 - Oct 24 but no actual invite yet...
Location: Edmonton, AB
Physical Presence Days: 1651.5
Application: Single
Application sent: August 15,2023
Delivered: August 15,2023
AOR: September 21, 2023
I got tracker access today 23-09-2023. As per AOR, Case Processing Centre - Sydney
Language skills - In progress
Physical presence - In progress
Citizenship test - Not started
Background verification - In progress
Prohibitions - In progress
Citizenship ceremony - Not started