I expect you'll get PAL this month and approval by March. It's common not to hear anything from IRCC - remember we're not a priority stream. Our files are their toilet paper.
I expect you'll get PAL this month and approval by March. It's common not to hear anything from IRCC - remember we're not a priority stream. Our files are their toilet paper.
I am surprised you didn't get P1 yet. Usually people get it a month / month and a half after PAL. Maybe it was due to holidays season. I expect November PALs would get Portal 1s some time this month or next month. I think they are prioritizing "TR to PR" at the moment.
I am surprised you didn't get P1 yet. Usually people get it a month / month and a half after PAL. Maybe it was due to holidays season. I expect November PALs would get Portal 1s some time this month or next month. I think they are prioritizing "TR to PR" at the moment.
From what I can see it's Q4 21 and Jan 22 clients mainly getting portals at the moment. There are a few people in March/Apr/Jun 2022 who have received portals - very lucky for sure. Or like I said, they went to Sydney and bribed an officer on the street lol.
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I thought it was like a month or month & a half wait for the COPR???? I read somewhere on this post about quota for 2022. Im not sure if any one else has received COPR this year??
I thought it was like a month or month & a half wait for the COPR???? I read somewhere on this post about quota for 2022. Im not sure if any one else has received COPR this year??
I'm basically in the same boat, and I also know 2 other March 2022 applicants with roughly the same timelines (all with MP and PAL).
It is my view from looking at the data that portals are currently coming in hot for Q4 21 & Jan-Feb 2022 applicants, which means March 2022 isn't far behind.
I am in a TR to PR Facebook group. Almost 20 people on that group today got Portals today at the same time. No idea why PNP Non EE is being ignored way too much than other programs
What you'll see is that people who applied in early to mid 2021 get AORs in 11-13 months, and then their PAL/portals came through in 1-2 months. They had to wait an insanely long time just for the R.10 check but their applications wrapped up fairly quickly thereafter.
For us - late 2021 & 2022 applicants, we are getting AOR/PAL much quicker (1-6 months), but then that leaves a fairly long waiting time in between those steps and ultimately to Portal 1/ECOPR etc.
So we are all playing the waiting game, but the points at which we're waiting is different between the 2 cohorts. IRCC's target time for this stream is 11 months, so even if they give you have AR/AOR/PAL/MP in 2-6 months, they don't have to approve you for another several months to stick within their targets. They can drag out our approvals because we are a non-priority stream.