Oh..Ok. Thanks. Even if it is related to criminal activity how come so many post here link it to the job verification.
Also they asked me for my RCMP on May 1 which i submitted same day. Could this be related to that request as the notes were printed April 24.
I've been on IP2 since end of March. Also just like your notes I could see info sharing with USA, however that part of the process was completed quickly with NLT completed by early April.
I've been on IP2 since end of March. Also just like your notes I could see info sharing with USA, however that part of the process was completed quickly with NLT completed by early April.
Actually i have no such background. I have three activities pertaining to security screening apart from the one security related activity.
In the first security screening activity status was not started (and it was not redacted.) The next two are hidden under s15.
Lastly do you know what officer implies by saying this: 'employment documents reviewed but not verified'. He ''passed'' my eligibility and ''Selection'' from ''recommended pass''.
I understand Recommend Pass is normal if security is still pending (as you can only pass eligibility if security is OK)... No idea what they mean the it was reviewed but not verified, perhaps they're also investigating your work experience but at the time the officer made his comment the investigation was still pending.
I understand Recommend Pass is normal if security is still pending (as you can only pass eligibility if security is OK)... No idea what they mean the it was reviewed but not verified, perhaps they're also investigating your work experience but at the time the officer made his comment the investigation was still pending.
Well I have passed it as per my notes on 13th april. Officer who passed it made the observation I quoted.
Please note my recommended pass came in midfeb.
Well I have passed it as per my notes on 13th april. Officer who passed it made the observation I quoted.
Please note my recommended pass came in midfeb.
I ordered my GCMS notes and the last notes mentions this. what does it mean aside from requiring the RCMP PCC.
**OFFICER REVIEW** -APPLICATION: <deleted application number> FOSS/GCMS NAI FAMILY COMPOSITION: Married (M/C on
file) - No prior relationships/children declared Proof of relationship reviewed. Satisfied PA and Spouse are in a
bonafide relationship. No concerns. Identity established via provided documents *****ADMISSIBILITY*****
required PCs/RCMP Screening *** RCMP Screening Fingerprints
On a sidenote I have s16 since my fist gcms notes which were generated on 23rf of feb in the same place as yours in addition to where program analyst notes are. But after 7 days to the notes which i presumes are from program analyst, case analyst allotted me a recommended pass.
I understand Recommend Pass is normal if security is still pending (as you can only pass eligibility if security is OK)... No idea what they mean the it was reviewed but not verified, perhaps they're also investigating your work experience but at the time the officer made his comment the investigation was still pending.
According to my latest notes, there is one alarming thing: Under security, which obviously is reacted by virtue of s15, i have another sub-activity with the name of security screening going on. In activities section, this sub-activity has three entries (all redacted) along with the usual security stuff.
I have googled it and found very few cases with this sort of security check, and those who have it in their notes have been wating or had to wait for a year before they got hold of the PPR. Can somebody explain the significance and implications of security screening in terms of processing of pr.
I have security screening - and here is my understanding after extensive research:
Applicants with a particularly concerning background (such as a specific natural origin, or a military background, or frequent travel to certain countries) usually warrants the visa officer to request a security screening to be performed. This means that in addition to a quick security database check, the applicant's entire file gets sent to several security agencies in Canada (CSIS, CBSA, and RCMP) and the applicant's profile undergoes an in-depth check with includes getting in touch with the applicant's country of origin, and any other countries the applicant has lived in. I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but from my experience (and of others, that I know of,) this is an unusually long process, that, in most cases, is stretching beyond a year (I know of many people who have security screening, and have been waiting for longer than a year in Express Entry.)
It is also my understanding, that CSIS is usually the quickest to return the results of these queries to IRCC, with the delay being mostly due to CBSA taking an extremely long time.
In January 2017, it took 15_25 days for fsw outlands with no pnp. Now it will take I guess a bit more owing to huge amounts of it itas issued in last 4 months.