This response is for members of this thread who have a dog in this fight -- meaning they have applied or they are Sponsors.
Anyone who cites ficitious marriage in this thread, is living in 1990s or simply not trying enough to bring useful insight. Fictitious marriage is statistically proven to be the highest among applicants of a country, who are already entering Canada in Droves. not just Canada but US, UK as well ....and illegally. We are seeing their visas being given in 5 MONTHS. So the ones who quickly come here to defend CIC, your reasons and logic for visa rejections are mostly based on thin air.
The fact is, there are compromised officers within CIC inside Canada and specially in international offices like Abu Dhabi and London. They are involved in blatant racial bias and are dishing out visas to applicants from their own country of origin. If this was legal as suggested by someone, then they would have also announced it.
Find out who is giving most donations to your local MP. They usually show their pics in facebook. Approach those donors and share your concern. Ask them to bring it up to the leaders.
Approach your MPs. Dont selfishly focus on just your application. Tell them you are seeing this happening in multiple cases. You have this website - collect your evidence!
-5MONTHS: Demand them to research how certain offices are able to clear applications in 5 months, when they are also the same visa offices getting the most no. of applications. First let's audit that visa office. What protocols are being skipped there?
-Ask MPs to Demand no. of visas issued in the past 6 months - and see which ones are the highest visa issuing hubs. Who got the visas and who are the visa officers in those offices. Are they of same ethnic origin?
-Assign equal resources, capabilities and work loads on other offices like Dar-es-Salam, London UK....which are notorious for 2-3 year back logs. There is criminal negligence occurring where department leaders are allowing back logs.
-the magic wand: If you are passionate about TRV issue, discuss it. Why is there is NO CLEAR CRITERIA about TRV for Spousal Applications? Why officers are still quoting reasons for rejections - that DO NOT MAKE SENSE....CIC has announced that Spouses will be given TRV to enter Canada and stay till they get their PR. Why are they being asked to convince the officer that they will leave?? Why should they leave? Unless ofcourse their is some criminal or other grave reason, which is common sense, but officers should not be able to cite that reason for rejection.
these are some actions i can think of that will lit fire under someone and make them to fix their act. Im sure you can think of others that will help activate some progress on the applications.
As long as we will continue to suffer in silence, this will continue to happen.
Agree with you, I feel so sorry for IRCC apologists. So we cannot ask for transparency and fairness when there are some glaringly obvious problems, that not only cause personal anguish to authentic cases but also hurt their own credibility?
Thank you for compiling the list of actions, I will be contacting my MP and looking into raising this issue.