You dont need to be on hold. You can leave your phone number and they will call you back when it is your turn.
Source: I called them...twice I left my phone number and twice they called me back.
You can for your peace of mind. In my personal opinion, I don't think it matters that much because they change VOs from time to time. It's gonna come when it's bound to. Regarding timelines, they would just give you the generic response to be patient!
You dont need to be on hold. You can leave your phone number and they will call you back when it is your turn.
Source: I called them...twice I left my phone number and twice they called me back.
Did they give you specific timeframe when you called them? Most of the applicants were told if they don't hear anything within 3 months from their P2 date, to call them back and they'll reach out to the VO.
CEC Candidate with non-accompanying spouse. Below is my timeline:
CRS: 524
ITA: July 17
Application Submitted: August 19 ,2024
AOR August 19, 2024
Biometrics Request: September 25 ( Submitted September 26)
Medical Approved: October 03, 2024
Portal 1 November 23, 2024
Portal 2 December 02, 2024
E-COPR- Waiting since then
VO as per IRCC Webform-Etobicoke