I'm not sure what you mean.Privilege?
Time Frame on CR?
Please open your eyes!![]()
FBI background checkHello-
I am a bit confused as well on all the documents they are asking for.
Can anyone list, in a little more user friendly/USA terms what all they submitted that was eventually accepted.
Hello, i had a dui in australia in 2013 and never disclosed it in my pr application. For that reason my pr applicatin is refused and i wan to apply for CR from inside canada. But i am not to sure where to submit the application for CR inside canada.Please help. Thanks
Hi everyone,
I successfully applied for a TRP last year, and I now want to apply for CR.
My questions:
- Where do I send my application from within Canada?
- Do I need a medical exam (I am from Germany)?
- Where does it state I need passport pictures? I am looking at this website: https://www.canada.ca/en/immigratio...admissible-canada-past-criminal-activity.html and I can't see anything.
I am planning to submit the following:
- CR form IMM1444
- Documents checklist IMM5507
Letters as to what happened, why I see myself rehabilitated
Character references (3)
Acceptance letter from my school
Copy of Canadian study permit
Passport pages copies
Proof of enrollment at school
NY and VA background check
FBI background check
Canada background check
GER background check
IDriveSafely certificate (I got a speeding ticket)
Court documents from VA
Letter from VA that I am in good standing
Canadian equivalent law
That's all I can think of. Is there anything that is missing here?
Thank you so much!!!!
The link you posted is where I found the below, you just have to keep scrolling down.
Submitting your application
Where do I apply?
In Canada: Mail your application to the Canada Immigration Centre responsible for your area. Addresses are available online.
Yes, thank you for that! I went on their website but I am not sure which one accepts CR applications. When I did my TRP, people from within Canada were talking about a processing center in Alberta?
From the same link:
Where to submit the form
Immigration and citizenship applicants
If you have not yet submitted your immigration or citizenship application:
Send this form along with your application to the office listed in the guide of your application.
If you have already submitted your immigration or citizenship application:
You may use this Web form to upload the IMM 5476.
If you know which IRCC office is processing your immigration or citizenship application, send the completed form to the office mailing address. Consult IRCC office mailing addresses.
Saw that tooThere is no address on either of the IMM Forms... (Is there a different application from inside and outside Canada?)
I just submitted my criminal rehabilitation to the new York location. Hopefully won't take a year but i suppose every case is different
Sounds about right. We must not pay enough taxes to hire enough man power to process these quickerI applied a year ago to CR for a DWI in Texas, and nobody has answered anything.