If IRCC sent you the medical request no need to upload anything.Hello Everyone, I have a quick question. After after doing medical due to receipt of medical request from IRCC, is it necessary to upload the medical documents received from the doctor or one should just allow the doctor send the results of the medicals?
I replied to both emails, as had many others before me. Same info on all emailsget portal 1 email today for both me and spouse ,should I reply 1 email only or both email ?
Birth certificates are mandatory only for children getting sponsored, not for parents. I submitted my PR application through a lawyer and I got my AOR. Also I see nowhere it is mentioned as mandatory for primary applicants. It is always Birth Certs or other equivalent docs.
This clearly says only for Dependents.
I don't know why is this being debated. The NON-EE checklist clearly says under Identity and Civil Status Documents:You will not accept the fact that BC is required and must be provided with the application whether it is for the principle applicant or a dependent. You will believe in this very soon when your application is returned or, if you are lucky, then may asked by them in ADR. If you explore the forum, you will find numerous situations where people received ADR'S for BC after AOR or application returned without ADR for not submitting BC.
They will eventually get to it. Seeing that you cancelled your representative I would say this is urgent as you don't wanna miss any important communication. If you call them they will update the info immediately and you will see the updates the next day on your profile.So I have submitted webform to update my contact information after cancellation of representative. It has been more than 3 weeks now and it has not been updated yet. Is this normal? I read somewhere that they update within 5 business days. Should I resend the webform? Kindly advice. Thank you.
Hello Everyone, I have a quick question. After after doing medical due to receipt of medical request from IRCC, is it necessary to upload the medical documents received from the doctor or one should just allow the doctor send the results of the medicals?
One more question, my spouse had a medical related to Worker category few weeks before medical request was sent by IRCC. Is there any need to IME again since a medical exam meant for a Worker has just been done?
Nice..What I interpret as Ghost update is when a ghost provides an update.... Just kidding. I think this is when you sign into GCKey and your application status changes from Submitted to Application/Profile Updated and changes back to submitted after you open the application. It could mean one of the statuses like Eligibility changed from we are reviewing to not started or something. - No email is received.
better send an webform every other week till get an update.Applied: 23rd June 2022
AOR: November 24th October, 2022
ADR: 2nd November 2022
PAL: 13th December 2022
Medical Passed: 14th December 2022
**No update after that**
SINP stream inland
Its almost 5 months after medical and nothing after that!
I cannot access my tracker account for some reason. I tried to call them but never got a chance to talk
Thanks for letting me know. I submitted my application through attorney and informed me it is not mandatory , unless specifically requested. . I was under the impression and shared here.It is important to refer to official sources for any type of immigration information, you have not done so. If you still want to follow, please do so, however the official checklist states that BC is required.
hi guys! My PR application was returned, and I'm applying again. My question is about fees. For the original application, I paid $1325 (850 processing fee + $475 for Right of Permanent Residence Fee ). That application was returned, and now when I wanted to pay those fees again for my new applicatiomn I saw there is a section at the website that saying this:
Most application fees are for processing your application only. Once processing starts, you will not be eligible for a refund of your payment, even if your application is refused.
Only these fees are refundable when your application is refused:
- Consular Fee (refunded if your application is refused or withdrawn after processing has started)
- Employer Compliance Fee
- Open Work Permit (LMIA exempt) Fee
- International Experience Class Fee
- Right of Permanent Residence Fee
- Right of Citizenship Fee
Does it mean I can request a refund for those Right of PR fee? Or should I just not pay it this time, and only pay processing fee.
Please let me know what should I do.