I got test invitation letter today but on the same letter it has a section called important notice asking me to email the scan copies of all the passports during the eligible period. While my tracker just indicates test awaiting only. Is this normal? Thx
I got an update on the tracker to retake my test now on March 13. I took my test originally on Feb 16. Maybe I got this because I had some technical issues during my test (I had to reconnect a few times). I haven't received any email about new test yet.
I got test invitation letter today but on the same letter it has a section called important notice asking me to email the scan copies of all the passports during the eligible period. While my tracker just indicates test awaiting only. Is this normal? Thx
I received the test invite by email and the tracker was updated as well, I can't sign in to the test website yet, can I only sign in on the first day on the test period or is there something wrong with my invitation?
I received the test invite by email and the tracker was updated as well, I can't sign in to the test website yet, can I only sign in on the first day on the test period or is there something wrong with my invitation?
Type: Online application
Location: Ottawa
Physical Presence Days: 1799
Application: Single
Application Sent: Jan 31, 2024
Delivered: Jan 31, 2024
AOR: Feb 16, 2024
In Process: Feb 20, 2024