Dr. Wahab is better. But you can see Dr. Lina if wanna expend more. Pregnancy is not a problem, both the doctors have adequate arrangement (shield) for x-ray of a pregnant lady.
I did my medical from dr.lina. Does dr. Wahab charge less?
Dr. Wahab is better. But you can see Dr. Lina if wanna expend more. Pregnancy is not a problem, both the doctors have adequate arrangement (shield) for x-ray of a pregnant lady.
I did my medical from dr.lina. Does dr. Wahab charge less?
vai amar bank account a proof of fund hisebe j taka ta show korbo seta jodi 6 mas somoy dhore amar bank account a thake, tahole ki amr source dekhate hobe ei takar? Please Help Me!
vai amar bank account a proof of fund hisebe j taka ta show korbo seta jodi 6 mas somoy dhore amar bank account a thake, tahole ki amr source dekhate hobe ei takar? Please Help Me!
আচ্ছা এমন কি হয় যে আমার husband তার salary a/c থেকে প্রতিমাসে পুরো টাকা টা তুলে সেভিংস a/c এ রাখল, এভাবে ৬ মাস সে টাকা টা রাখল আর বাদবাকি টাকা টা গিফট deed হিসেবে দেখাব? embassy অয়ালারা সন্দেহ করবেনা তো? এবং এক্ষেত্রে, তার salary a/c এর কি ৬ মাসের স্টেটমেন্ট ও শো করা লাগবে সেভিংস a/c এর সাথে? আর গিফট deed টা তো আমার বাবা মা আমাকে দিচ্ছে সেক্ষেত্রে আমি আমার husband কে সেটা কি হিসেবে দিবোো? গিফট deed ও কি upload করতে হবে?.sorry to bother you againactually this whole source of fund thing seems scary to me
Congratz! May i know your time line and stream which you applied for? I am EE applicant just passed medical, but hoping to get ppr by sep inshaAllah and planning to move within dec although there will be extreme cold, still. If by Allah's grace we get ppr timely then we can pair up for flying as i am single mom with a baby!
Dear Bhi,I am FSW 2014 applicant. I haven't got my visa yet though. My primary plan was to travel on Dec'17. But most people are discouraging to travel at that time. So may be I may fly in Apr'18. Nothing is sure at this moment. If you are flexible enough in scheduling your travel plan then of course we can tie up and travel together. My family and me welcome you. I have a daughter also who is running 9. By the way I am an Industrial engineer by profession.
ji amar husband main applicant. r amra FDR kore rakhte chaccina, just savings a/c a tk ta show korte chacci. my husband is working for more than 3 years. so, he may have savings of 10 lacs tk right?Apnar husband ki main applicant ? Apni ki FDR kore fund show korte chan naki just saving a/c a taka rekhe show korte chan ?
Gift deed contains much hassle (Stamp paper, Notary, witness etc ). U can do one thing like one of my friend who ultimately succeeded. In stead of gift deed, he showed the source of fund coming from the sale of his wife's ornaments. He just collected a money receipt of ornaments' sale from a jewellary shop and it worked. Now he is in Canada for last one year.
na vai, ata amr salary account na. savings account.৬ মাস ধরে অাপনারএকাউন্টে টাকা পড়ে থাকলে অাপনি অনেকটাই নিশ্চিন্ত হতে পারেন।
এটা কি অাপনার Salary Account ? Salary account hole apni 100% safe.
ji amar husband main applicant. r amra FDR kore rakhte chaccina, just savings a/c a tk ta show korte chacci. my husband is working for more than 3 years. so, he may have savings of 10 lacs tk right?
only salary thk taka jomiyeche na dekhiye, ornaments selling er tk o kichu dekhale valo hoy taina?
I am FSW 2014 applicant. I haven't got my visa yet though. My primary plan was to travel on Dec'17. But most people are discouraging to travel at that time. So may be I may fly in Apr'18. Nothing is sure at this moment. If you are flexible enough in scheduling your travel plan then of course we can tie up and travel together. My family and me welcome you. I have a daughter also who is running 9. By the way I am an Industrial engineer by profession.
Dear Bhi,
Like everyone have already told you, December may be (actually will be) the worst time to be there as its blistering cold. And you dont wana frezz your bone at the blistering cold!!! (well perhaps this year you may skip, but what happen next year!!!)
Furthermore, as you also have school going daughter and school began in September,; I think you can re-think/ rearrange for travel before september. This way, your daughter wont be losing semester/class year!!!
Hope you know the best!!!
Apu/Bhaia,I am FSW 2014 applicant. I haven't got my visa yet though. My primary plan was to travel on Dec'17. But most people are discouraging to travel at that time. So may be I may fly in Apr'18. Nothing is sure at this moment. If you are flexible enough in scheduling your travel plan then of course we can tie up and travel together. My family and me welcome you. I have a daughter also who is running 9. By the way I am an Industrial engineer by profession.
Dear Brother,Which September ? 2017 or 2018 ?
Visa is valid for one year from medical. Right ?