I have a query regarding Upfront Medicals. Currently, I am sitting at CRS 438, expecting an ITA in next few draws. Which panel doctor is best for medicals provided that my wife is pregnant and also does the doctor provide lead shield for pregnant woman? I have read in different medical sources on the internet that Chest X-Ray with lead shield is safe. Looking forward to your response...........
I have a query regarding Upfront Medicals. Currently, I am sitting at CRS 438, expecting an ITA in next few draws. Which panel doctor is best for medicals provided that my wife is pregnant and also does the doctor provide lead shield for pregnant woman? I have read in different medical sources on the internet that Chest X-Ray with lead shield is safe. Looking forward to your response...........
Most of the forum members (including me) have done medical from the below City: Dhaka Name: Abdul Wahab Address: Dr. Wahab's Medical Centre,,
Road 12, House 3, Baridhara, 1212 Telephone: (880-2) 984 7553
(880-2) 984 3439 Spoken Languages: Bengali, English, German
Most of the forum members (including me) have done medical from the below City: Dhaka Name: Abdul Wahab Address: Dr. Wahab's Medical Centre,,
Road 12, House 3, Baridhara, 1212 Telephone: (880-2) 984 7553
(880-2) 984 3439 Spoken Languages: Bengali, English, German
I am sorry brother, I am not aware of the fact. But, as he is well renowned and listed from CIC; I am sure that if you talk with him, he will help you out with that.
Congratz! May i know your time line and stream which you applied for? I am EE applicant just passed medical, but hoping to get ppr by sep inshaAllah and planning to move within dec although there will be extreme cold, still. If by Allah's grace we get ppr timely then we can pair up for flying as i am single mom with a baby!
Can anyone help me out? I have received my PPR yesterday. Alhamdulillah. But I am confused regarding one thing. When they send the COPR? Is it along with the PPR or or it comes later on? This time I could see the mail is given to me only without copying to my agent. Last mail for medical was sent to my agent copying to me. They have requested for 2 copies of photos for each member and a appendix B form filled up. But there is no attachment called COPR. Can anyone explain what is the actual sequence?
Hello everyone,
I am totally new in express entry. Me and my husband are going to apply to express entry, my husband is the main applicant and I am the dependent. But at first I have some queries regarding source of fund. is source of fund really important in express entry?
we don't have sufficient fund in my husband's account, now if my parents give me the whole amount of fund as gift deed in my name and then i give it to my husband,কোনও সমস্যা কি হবে? আপনারা কেও কি gift deed show করেছেন? Plzzz help me out. TIA.
1. I have a bank account where I did not put any money for last two years. It has only 51Tk right now. Now for POF I need to deposit large sum of money. Would it be okay if I put money in that account? or should I open a new account? Do they give bank statement for new account right away? I already got ITA and only have 84 days.
2. My father gave me almost the total amount for POF. Now for documentation I asked him to provide a gift deed. But he is suggesting me to make money receipt showing that I sold gold (which I am planning to sell later but I can get money receipt of it now). Of the two documentation which would be more acceptable? Also have any of you did gift deed before? how it is done?
I have a query regarding Upfront Medicals. Currently, I am sitting at CRS 438, expecting an ITA in next few draws. Which panel doctor is best for medicals provided that my wife is pregnant and also does the doctor provide lead shield for pregnant woman? I have read in different medical sources on the internet that Chest X-Ray with lead shield is safe. Looking forward to your response...........
Dr. Wahab is better. But you can see Dr. Lina if wanna expend more. Pregnancy is not a problem, both the doctors have adequate arrangement (shield) for x-ray of a pregnant lady.
Hello everyone,
I am totally new in express entry. Me and my husband are going to apply to express entry, my husband is the main applicant and I am the dependent. But at first I have some queries regarding source of fund. is source of fund really important in express entry?
we don't have sufficient fund in my husband's account, now if my parents give me the whole amount of fund as gift deed in my name and then i give it to my husband,কোনও সমস্যা কি হবে? আপনারা কেও কি gift deed show করেছেন? Plzzz help me out. TIA.
Not a problem apu. But fund must be matured minimum 03 months. Source of fund is not checked, just period of fund maturity is checked. U just need to collect a bank certificate & statement accordingly. Dont worry at all. Go ahead.
Not a problem apu. But fund must be matured minimum 03 months. Source of fund is not checked, just period of fund maturity is checked. U just need to collect a bank certificate & statement accordingly. Dont worry at all. Go ahead.
Not a problem apu. But fund must be matured minimum 03 months. Source of fund is not checked, just period of fund maturity is checked. U just need to collect a bank certificate & statement accordingly. Dont worry at all. Go ahead.
FDR er bank certificate er sathe minimum 3/6 masher a/c statement dite hoy. 6 months statement is much better apu. (অাসলে maturity period বেশি হলে ওরা বিশ্বাস করে যে ওটা অাপনারই, অাপনি কারো কাছ থেকে টাকা ঋণ করেননি। তাই কম সময় হলে ওরা সন্দেহ করে ভিসা দিতে চায় না, পাছে অাপনি Settlement fund ছাড়াই কানাডা গিয়ে কানাডা সরকারকে কোন বিপদে ফেলেন কিনা)
FDR er bank certificate er sathe minimum 3/6 masher a/c statement dite hoy. 6 months statement is much better apu. (অাসলে maturity period বেশি হলে ওরা বিশ্বাস করে যে ওটা অাপনারই, অাপনি কারো কাছ থেকে টাকা ঋণ করেননি। তাই কম সময় হলে ওরা সন্দেহ করে ভিসা দিতে চায় না, পাছে অাপনি Settlement fund ছাড়াই কানাডা গিয়ে কানাডা সরকারকে কোন বিপদে ফেলেন কিনা)
আচ্ছা এমন কি হয় যে আমার husband তার salary a/c থেকে প্রতিমাসে পুরো টাকা টা তুলে সেভিংস a/c এ রাখল, এভাবে ৬ মাস সে টাকা টা রাখল আর বাদবাকি টাকা টা গিফট deed হিসেবে দেখাব? embassy অয়ালারা সন্দেহ করবেনা তো? এবং এক্ষেত্রে, তার salary a/c এর কি ৬ মাসের স্টেটমেন্ট ও শো করা লাগবে সেভিংস a/c এর সাথে? আর গিফট deed টা তো আমার বাবা মা আমাকে দিচ্ছে সেক্ষেত্রে আমি আমার husband কে সেটা কি হিসেবে দিবোো? গিফট deed ও কি upload করতে হবে?.sorry to bother you again actually this whole source of fund thing seems scary to me
Not a problem apu. But fund must be matured minimum 03 months. Source of fund is not checked, just period of fund maturity is checked. U just need to collect a bank certificate & statement accordingly. Dont worry at all. Go ahead.
vai amar bank account a proof of fund hisebe j taka ta show korbo seta jodi 6 mas somoy dhore amar bank account a thake, tahole ki amr source dekhate hobe ei takar? Please Help Me!