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understanding GCMS notes

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Oh, and one more thing -
if I understand correctly, the Activity section in the GCMS notes should be read from the last to no.1 activity, meaning that the no.1. is the most recent activity/status/stage.
Here is what Activity section looks like in our notes, and please take notice that in No. 1 Selection-EE Econ new value is cancelled!?
What is this regarding, does that mean the application is cancelled, or some further action is cancelled, what would be that activity? Is further investigation regarding the review required status cancelled? What is going on - I'm trying to be positive, but there is no similar situation info on this forum, and I am losing hope.

Here's the GCMS content:
Throughout Activity 1-7 sections Created Date, Created by, Update Date, Updated by are left blank.

UCI, Name: PA Surname, Name

Sub-Activity/Activity Type: Selection-EE Econ
Field Name: Status
New Value: Cancelled
Office: Montreal Immigration

UCI, Name: PA Surname, Name
Sub-Activity/Activity Type: Selection-EE Econ
Field Name: Status
New Value: Not Started
Office: Montreal Immigration

UCI, Name: PA Surname, Name
Sub-Activity/Activity Type: Selection-EE Econ
Field Name: Status
New Value: Review Required
Office: Montreal Immigration


UCI, Name: Dependent Surname, Name
Sub-Activity/Activity Type: Security
Field Name: Status
New Value: Not Started
Office: GCMS-System


UCI, Name: PA Surname, Name
Sub-Activity/Activity Type: Security
Field Name: Status
New Value: Not Started
Office: GCMS-System

UCI, Name: Dependent Surname, Name
Sub-Activity/Activity Type: RCMP Screening
Field Name: Status
New Value: No Reportable Trace
Office: Centralized Intake Office


UCI, Name: PA Surname, Name
Sub-Activity/Activity Type: RCMP Screening
Field Name: Status
New Value: No Reportable Trace
Office: Centralized Intake Office

At the beginning of the notes (generated end of Feb) there is also this:
App. Assignment: Assigned To: RC-2710, Assigned By: (code), Due Date: mid 2019/03.
Plus bare in mind that the App. was last updated (by Case Analyst) beginning of 2019/02.

Would anyone please comment, I'm deep in spiral of doubt and worry.
Thanks for understanding and your time!!

Good luck to everybody.

DId you get your pr yet?? My gcms notes say the same thing.
Hello I received my requested gcms notes with regards of my PR application. and here's the note from the officer:
"created Date: 2019/10/15
updated date: 2019/10/15
office: Manila

Officer review: PNC was valid at time of DOA. Eligibility passed. IDs and relp between PA and accompanying spouse are established. Both declared no dependent children. Integrated search indicated both have been in CDA and had stayed without status for a period of time. Aside from WP and ext refusals, there appears to be no adverse info. Returned to the PHL in Feb 2019. Medical passed. all fees paid. Pending- Crim"

Through gcms notes, I also read that my security check has been completed. my questions are:
1. Does that mean a positive decision on my application?
2. Does that mean my application is already here in my home country and the decision still takes a while or sooner? I submitted my application last june 2019.
3. Does this mean my application is approved-in-principle (AIP)?

Thank you so much and have a blessed day.
That I can't answer. The notes are from a junior analyst. My guess is they don't have power to either approve or refuse an application. they just make a recommendation. It is still possible a senior visa officer makes a favorable decision on your file.

Having said that as per requirements of CIC a simple LOE is not enough for employment reference letter. If you can obtain a letter in required format you should upload it proactively.

Hi, how we will know if the one who made a review, an update on our files is a senior officer, a junior, or an agent one? Thanks
from what I have read...it may mean groups:0 assessment not started groups:1 assessment passed....sometimes people say it is groups:0 assessment not reqd groups:1 assessment required... people who have written about these are themselves confused as to what it exactly means
in either case, it does not mean anything 'bad'..
security as a whole is difficult to comprehend from notes, because most of the information is blanked out...its very difficult to decipher what exactly they are doing...
I believe you are pretty close to getting PPR as you must be from Feb thread(don't remember exactly)...so I am quoting a OP called expressentryqueen for you...she was kind enough to order her notes and post on this thread for our reference...she ordered it the day (a few days prior) she got the PPR and on her notes...groups are 1...hope this helps! and I quote-

"As a follow-up to my initial post on my GCMS notes, i thought that it might benefit everyone if i shared my GCMS notes once my application was approved to give us a clearer picture of the application process. Each application may vary depending on the applicant's circumstances though. In my case, i'm a single person, graduated from a Canadian university's masters program, with about 3 years work experience from my country, so i was invited under the FSW category.

My BG check went into progess on June 18th and i got the RFV mail on the 20th. I then applied for the GCMS notes that same day but it was not printed until June 28th, the same day that MyCIC changed to Approved. On the First page of the GCMS notes, it looks like this:

Updated Date: 2016/06/29 02:34:17
Updated by: VL16301
Primary Office: CPC-Ottawa
Secondary Office: Centralized Intake Office
App Status: Closed
App Status Reason: Approved

Eligibility: Passed
Criminality: Passed
Org Crime:
Medical: Passed
Other Reqs:
Final: Approved

Client Details

Created Date: 2013/06/0919:00:47
Created By: EAIEAPP
Updated Date: 2016/06/29 02:34:19
Updated By: VL16301
Client/Party: PA
Counterfoil Required: Yes
Criminality: Passed
Org Crime:
Medical: Passed
Searched By: NS05229
Searched Date: 2016/06/19 3:00:52

Type: Candidate Assessment
Status: Passed-Candidate
Status Updated Date:2016/01/15
Status Updated by EAIEAPP
CEC MEC: Not Met
MST MEC: Not Met
FSW MEC: Not Met
CRS Score: 473
PNP MEC: Not Met

Number of Family Members: 1
Minimum Funds: Met
MST Funds Exempt: N
FSW Funds Exempt: N

Finalize Application
Document Issuance: 1
Created Date: 2016/06/1903:08:32
Created By: NS05229
Updated Date: 2016/06/29 04:08:25
Updated by US8315
Document #:
Document: Counterfoil
Status: Authorized
Valid to: 2017/01/03
Print Queue:
Status Updated by: VL16301
Status Updated Date: 2016/06/28 09:34:16
Via: ExpressPost
Via Details:
Group #:
Assigned to: RC-9515
Assigned by: NS05229
Due Date: 2016/06/18
Printed by: VL16301
Printed Date: 2016/06/27
Confirmed By:
Confirmation Date:
Sent By: US8315
Sent Date: 2016/06/28

Created Date: 2016/06/19 03:08:32
Created By: NS05229
Updated Date: 2016/06/29 04:08:25
Updated By: US8315
Family Name:
Given Name:
# of Entries: ONE
Issued at CPC-Ottawa
Date of Issue: 2016/06/23
Valid to 2017/01/03
Subcategory: IM-1

Document Issuance: 2
Created Date: 2016/06/19 03:08:31
Created By: NS05229
Updated Date: 2016/06/29 04:08:25
Updated by US8315
Document #:
Document: COPR/CRP
Status: Authorized
Valid to: 2017/01/03
Serial #:
Print Queue:
Status Updated by: JS5367
Status Updated Date: 2016/06/23 22:37:39
Via: ExpressPost
Via Details:
Group #:
Assigned to: RC-9515
Assigned by: NS05229
Due Date: 2016/06/18
Printed by: JS5367
Printed Date: 2016/06/23
Confirmed By:
Confirmation Date:
Sent By: US8315
Sent Date: 2016/06/28

Groups: 1
Created Date: 2016/06/24 15:46:26
Created By: JS5367
Updated Date: 2016/06/24 15:47:34
Updated By: JS537
Primary: No
Group #
Name: COPR Visa
Type: Batch Notes
Other Type Description:
Status: In Progress
Create Office: CPC-Ottawa

Field Name: Secondary Office
Action: Added
Old Value:
New Value: Saskatoon CIC
Updated Date: 2016/06/19
Updated by NS05229
Office: CPC-Ottawa

Application: 2
Field Name: Final
Action: Updated
Old Value:
New Value: Approved
Updated Date: 2016/06/19
Updated by NS05229
Office: CPC-Ottawa

Application: 3
Field Name: Security
Action: Updated
Old Value: Not Started

Application: 4
Field Name: Eligibility
Action: Updated
Old Value:Met
New Value: Passed
Updated Date: 2016/06/19
Updated by NS05229
Office: CPC-Ottawa

Application: 5
Field Name: Secondary Office
Action: Removed
Old Value:CPC-Ottawa
New Value:
Updated Date: 2016/02/23
Updated by JR01169
Office: Centralized Intake Office

Activity: 1
Sub-Activity/Activity Type: Security
Field Name: Status

Activity: 2
Sub-Activity/Activity Type: Selection-EE Econ
Field Name: Status
New Value: Passed
Updated Date: 2016/06/19
Updated By: NS05229
Office: CPC-Ottawa

Activity: 3
Sub-Activity/Activity Type: 11.2-EE MI
Field Name: Status
New Value: Met
Updated Date: 2016/02/02
Updated By: GM01154
Office: Centralised Intake Office

Finally, the Notes Smiley Smiley

Notes: 1
Created Date: 2016/06/24:15:47:42
Created By: JS5367
Updated Date: 2016/06/24 15:47:42
Updated By: JS5367
Restricted: No
Label: General
Office: CPC-Ottawa
Text: Original PPTs and Authorized COPRs Moved to Visa Printing Room for visa print

Notes: 2
Created Date: 2016/06/24:15:39:52
Created By: JS5367
Updated Date: 2016/06/24 15:39:52
Updated By: JS5367
Restricted: No
Label: General
Office: CPC-Ottawa
Text: Original PPTs and Authorized COPRs Moved to Visa Printing Room for visa print

Notes: 3
Created Date: 2016/06/21 07:15:57
Created By: AS14560
Updated Date: 2016/06/21 07:15:57
Updated By: AS14560
Restricted: No
Label: General
Office: CPC-Ottawa
Text: CPC-O RFV letter sent via email in a batch. No correspondence was generated as letter was sent via MS Word Letter template.

Notes: 4
Created Date: 2016/06/19 03:07:14
Created By: NS05229
Updated Date: 2016/06/19 03:07:14
Updated By: NS05229
Restricted: No
Label: Eligibility
Office: CPC-Ottawa
Text: Officer's Review*** FOSS: NAI Marital Status: Single, never married; no spouse/CLP or children declared. Eligibility: Having reviewed the education, employment and financial documents, I am satisfied that the PA meets the requiements of R75 & R76 - Passed No indicators of A35 or A37 concerns- Criminality Passed Meds passed RPRF Paid Approved

Notes 5 is same as initially posted. Its a long read (and took some time to type out) but i hope the information here is able to provide a clearer picture of the application process to others. I wish us all success with our applications!"

is this officer code NS05229 pertains to CPC Ottawa or New Delhi visa office.. saw a gcms notes assigned to this code whixh is currently in new delhi visa office ,india..

can thta happen?
Guys any one had this situation plz share its 23 months recently my file send to pnp-med-not-started location I did upfront medical in august 2019 any idea how long for medical passed and ppr

just wonder if anybody applied for PR with MBA from TWU and been rejected by officers? do they recognize TWU MBA for Canadian education?
@legalfalcon. I'm worried about what is written on my notes. It says:


Please tell me if this is a cause of concern. Also my notes also says this:

Created Date: 2017/11/10 07:56:44
Created By: MP8684
Updated Date: 2017/11/10 07:57:06
Updated By: MP8684
Restricted: No
Label: General
Office: Centralized Intake Office
Text: Search of client yielded possible concern, please review.

Waiting for your response !
Hi please did you come to know the meaning of the search for client information yielded possible concerns? Thank you.
@legalfalcon. I'm worried about what is written on my notes. It says:


Please tell me if this is a cause of concern. Also my notes also says this:

Created Date: 2017/11/10 07:56:44
Created By: MP8684
Updated Date: 2017/11/10 07:57:06
Updated By: MP8684
Restricted: No
Label: General
Office: Centralized Intake Office
Text: Search of client yielded possible concern, please review.

Waiting for your response !
Hi please did you find out the meaning of the Search of client yielded possible concern, please review comment on your notes? Thanks.
Aor June 2019
FSW Inland
I have claimed points for 3 year of work experience ( I worked 2.5 year back in my country and 8 months in Canada). I am FSW Inland. Yesterday I received GCSMS notes and saw these concerns. I cant see my work experience I did in Canada mentioned at all Why is that?

Please help me understand those notes: https://ibb.co/J50QLdG?fbclid=IwAR0jeVjOIxZDMaHexKgrcV32Zh5QyNqjX3R07zjCU9pGgAQz0wu1GoN5-ZY

I believe it's because you worked for only 8 months.

Can anyone please explain me what is "No apparent A35/A37 concerns evident. file reviewed" ?

it is showing under my GCMS notes 1, text

@legalfalcon. I'm worried about what is written on my notes. It says:


Please tell me if this is a cause of concern. Also my notes also says this:

Created Date: 2017/11/10 07:56:44
Created By: MP8684
Updated Date: 2017/11/10 07:57:06
Updated By: MP8684
Restricted: No
Label: General
Office: Centralized Intake Office
Text: Search of client yielded possible concern, please review.

Waiting for your response !

PA: Not in Status - This means that your visa may have been expired. So IRCC will conduct a Field Operations Support System (FOSS) search to know your status in Canada if you are on a visa or have any immigration violations in the past.
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Can anyone please explain me what is "No apparent A35/A37 concerns evident. file reviewed" ?

it is showing under my GCMS notes 1, text


A35/A37 this refers to the corresponding section of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act and the regulations, which state:

A35: Inadmissibility on grounds of human or international rights violations

A37: Inadmissibility on grounds of organized criminality
@legalfalcon and other experts...could you please help deciphering these notes for me? It seems that there is a RR on POF but there are no further details given. I had the POF well above the required funds and all through valid source (salary). no gift deeds or FDs. I have no clue on why there would be a RR and getting worried now. AOR 2nd Oct 2019.

link to notes screenshot: GCMS notes
@legalfalcon and other experts...could you please help deciphering these notes for me? It seems that there is a RR on POF but there are no further details given. I had the POF well above the required funds and all through valid source (salary). no gift deeds or FDs. I have no clue on why there would be a RR and getting worried now. AOR 2nd Oct 2019.

link to notes screenshot: GCMS notes
jus to add on.. u have RR for employment as well (employment letter).. did u provide an affidavit for ur job duties instead of letterhead ?

RR on POF can be anything.. requirement is just not about funds above the requirement... the case analyst is not satisfied by ur source.. left to the officer..
if u have done everything possible.. just wait...
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