IRCC had weird ways they made BG check to back in progress after the test and then requested FP again too and this added approx 8 months to the processing
Thanks for your detailed feedback . As per law they have to process family applications altogether. They have to inform me if processing separate from family. 2nd my wife got email foe PCC from one country and ask her to send via email. We have similar i am assuming they will ask mine PCC as well so i send then email in advance. Moreover IRCC said you get something in two week keep an eye in email everything is on order and in process. What doz this mean
From what I understand is that they will finish processing everyone else's application and then schedule all of them together for a 2 family members may be all green pending oath while the 3rd may be going through extensive checks as part of security or criminality.
From what I understand is that they will finish processing everyone else's application and then schedule all of them together for a 2 family members may be all green pending oath while the 3rd may be going through extensive checks as part of security or criminality.
All logical estimates and rationale understandings conclude to a mind mush when it comes to IRCC. I would sarcastically mutter IRCC line - every case is different. Though today 19 months time reduction means nothing, as beyond that its non-routine, within 19 months routine. The very definition of routine vs non-routine itself is controversial lol. Anyways, to your point, have seen cases where ones BG is completed and LPP not started, while spouse BG is in process. Sometimes they hault, sometimes they process separately, at granular level - discretion of case officer, or other mysterious opaque reasons of IRCC, beyond rationale or common understanding to noobs like me...
Nothing changes so called hush hush stats.. every case is different - ironic. Feb, March 2023 applicants getting oath, while backlog, routine, non-routine blah blah...gimmick, shang, and lottery...nothing more