hi there, we want to submit our work permit application under startup visa program and we have received the forms and packages from ircc.
we are confused in some fields please help us to complete it. it seems their form is about job offer and we don't have any job offer we are startup!
for example:
** Employment Reference Letter:
You must provide an employment reference letter (an up-to-date reference from current or past employers). If you have had more than two employers in the last two years, please provide a letter from both employers.
** Letter from Current Employer
You must provide a letter from your current employer or proof of annotated pay stubs from your employer. This is used to confirm the details of your financial profile Financial profile details include your job status (full-time or part-time), how long you have worked for the company, your occupation, etc.
**Employment Contract
You must submit a written employment contract with details of your job and the conditions of your employment. To ensure there is a fair working arrangement between you and your employer, an employment contract must show that the requirements of the immigration program you are applying for are met in the agreement.
The contract should outline mandatory employer-paid benefits, including: job duties for each job
** Proof that you Meet the Requirements of the Job Being Offered
If your intended occupation in Canada is regulated, provide evidence that the responsible provincial, territorial or professional body has granted you the required licence or certification.
Please help me if you had any related experience.
thank you
Hi there,
Make sure you are using the right form. Mine used IMM1295 and it did not have that parts.
I have a query regarding application for Work-permit under SUV. I am looking to file online. As per the help-guide on CiC's website, after filling up the form we should get result as “Foreign Worker - International Mobility Program”. However, I am getting "Foreign Worker (Visitor)". Have tried several times but with the same result. Did anyone face this issue? Your assistance will be highly appreciated. Thanks
@totti2007 don't follow IRCC SUV work permit guidelines ON
section 6.3: those instructions are out of date (I'm only talking the ones on section 6.3)
Instead when applying online, select that you are applying for a "self-employed" work permit - then it will bring up the correct application forms.
@totti2007 don't follow IRCC SUV work permit guidelines ON
section 6.3: those instructions are out of date (I'm only talking the ones on section 6.3)
Instead when applying online, select that you are applying for a "self-employed" work permit - then it will bring up the correct application forms.
God bless you. I selected self-employed and now it needs company registration documents. is it correct?
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I have a query regarding application for Work-permit under SUV. I am looking to file online. As per the help-guide on CiC's website, after filling up the form we should get result as “Foreign Worker - International Mobility Program”. However, I am getting "Foreign Worker (Visitor)". Have tried several times but with the same result. Did anyone face this issue? Your assistance will be highly appreciated. Thanks
@SUV_Unicorn_Potential , I changed my country to France and it showed correctly "Foreign Worker - International Mobility Program
", the requested documents is the same as
"Foreign Worker (Visitor)
". so i think your suggestion is not correct, can you please explain more your experience?
@totti2007 it is correct - because I did that, applied for a WP under SUV and got approved.
I think you should understand that the online application flow isn't perfect: it is not always exact especially for programs like ours, that have very few candidates applying.
In my case, I had already registered & incorporated my startup in Canada. ( I think you might be able to do this, even if you are outside Canada)
The problem with selecting as though you are applying for a work permit under the LMIA exemption is that the online flow assumes you are a foreign worker (not an entrepreneur) so it brings up documents that are usually for required for foreign workers
Whether the online portal says: "Foreign Worker - International Mobility Program" or "Foreign Worker (Visitor)" - that's not important.
What's important, are the documents it will be requiring you to bring up at the end.
So, another advice is that play around by selecting different work permit types until you see what brings the most sensible application package for your case.
By the way - IRCC has officially in the past even advised applications to essentially select "counter intuituve options" so that they right application package shows up for them.
@totti2007 yes pay the compliance fee and obtain your LMIA Exempt No. from the online employer portal
Then when filling in the for IMM1295e under "DETAILS OF INTENDED WORK IN CANADA", select exemption for LMIA
@totti2007 yes pay the compliance fee and obtain your LMIA Exempt No. from the online employer portal
Then when filling in the for IMM1295e under "DETAILS OF INTENDED WORK IN CANADA", select exemption for LMIA
@SUV_Unicorn_Potential As a supporting document, the application is required us to upload:
"Proof that you Meet the Requirements of the Job Being Offered".
They provide the following details for it:
"If your intended occupation in Canada is regulated, provide evidence that the responsible provincial, territorial or professional body has granted you the required licence or certification."
What evidence did you provide for this?
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forumSection: Immigration to Canada, subForumSection: Business Immigration
Hi, everybody. I have a question to those who have already applied for SUV Work Permit. When we complete an empty IMM5802 and send it back to the Employer's Portal along with a payment receipt, should we wait for a response and validated IMM5802 or we can immediatly submit our work permit application with the same completed but not validated IMM5802 as an offer?
SUV_Unicorn_Potential Need your(or anyone who has successful application) advice here:
in the form IMM5802 there is a question "Expected duration of employment" . I answered "More than a year" (just printed manually) and submitted the form to the Employer's Portal. Now when filling in the IMM1295 I have a similar question "Duration of expected employment", but with a fixed time period from... to...
My question is this a big problem that our 5802 offer hasn't a specified exact duration (we just specified "More than a year")? Can we leave it AS IS and put a 2 or 3 years period in the 1295 form or we have to contact the Employer's Portal in order to make changes in our submitted 5802 form before applying for the WP?
@SUV_Unicorn_Potential As a supporting document, the application is required us to upload:
"Proof that you Meet the Requirements of the Job Being Offered".
They provide the following details for it:
"If your intended occupation in Canada is regulated, provide evidence that the responsible provincial, territorial or professional body has granted you the required licence or certification."
What evidence did you provide for this?
Attach an explanation what you are an SUV applicant. Include your letter of support from the designated organization, and also you perhaps your CV (ie showing that you got experience in entrepreneurship ... as founder or early stage employee in startups etc)
Also include financials showing that you are able to support your self.
Whatever you do for the additional documents, make sure you showing indicate and provide evidence that you meet the eligibility requirements clearly specified here:
- plan to live in a province or territory other than Quebec
- pay the employer compliance fee
- have received a Commitment Certificate and a Letter of Support from a designated entity indicating that you are “essential” and there are urgent business reasons for your early entry to Canada (i.e. section 8.0 of the Commitment Certificate is completed) and
- have sufficient funds to meet the low income cut off for your family for 52 weeks
SUV_Unicorn_Potential Need your(or anyone who has successful application) advice here:
in the form IMM5802 there is a question "Expected duration of employment" . I answered "More than a year" (just printed manually) and submitted the form to the Employer's Portal. Now when filling in the IMM1295 I have a similar question "Duration of expected employment", but with a fixed time period from... to...
My question is this a big problem that our 5802 offer hasn't a specified exact duration (we just specified "More than a year")? Can we leave it AS IS and put a 2 or 3 years period in the 1295 form or we have to contact the Employer's Portal in order to make changes in our submitted 5802 form before applying for the WP?
Enter a duration of from the date you submit your application + 1 year + about 2-3months (processing time)
If you apply today, select a start date of 30th October 2021 - 31 December 2022
But in actuality - when your work permit is approved, the officer will issue your work permit for a year from the date you enter Canada.
i.e if you apply today and your work permit gets approved on 1st Feb 2022, and you arrive in Canada on 15th Feb 2022, your work permit will be from 15th Feb 2022 to 15th Feb 2023 (even if you selected 31st Dec 2022 as the end date)
SUV_Unicorn_Potential Need your(or anyone who has successful application) advice here:
in the form IMM5802 there is a question "Expected duration of employment" . I answered "More than a year" (just printed manually) and submitted the form to the Employer's Portal. Now when filling in the IMM1295 I have a similar question "Duration of expected employment", but with a fixed time period from... to...
My question is this a big problem that our 5802 offer hasn't a specified exact duration (we just specified "More than a year")? Can we leave it AS IS and put a 2 or 3 years period in the 1295 form or we have to contact the Employer's Portal in order to make changes in our submitted 5802 form before applying for the WP?
Your actual work permit and the dates it will be valid will be issued at the Port of Entry when you arrive ... so don't worry too much about what dates to put in the application ... just put some reasonable for about a year or a little over.
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forumSection: Immigration to Canada, subForumSection: Business Immigration