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Refugee Travel Document - Questions and Answers

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My wife is a Protected Person and she has her RTD. We have applied for our Spousal Sponsorship and are waiting. We saw this info on the Italian Consulate site of Toronto and wanted to know if anyone has ever visited Italy with just their RTD.

1. Holders of a (blue) Canadian Travel Document for refugees issued on the basis of the Geneva Convention of July 28, 1951 (note that this is not a regular blue Canadian passport for Canadian citizens) and

2. Holders of a Canadian-issued Certificate of Identity

Do not need a visa to enter Italy for transit and or short term stay (e.g. for tourism or business purposes for up to 90 days).

It is up to the applicant to check with other relevant Schengen Countries if the above documents are accepted, even for transit purposes.

Were thinking of going but wanted to ask if anyone has done it before hand so we don't have any issues with going.

Yes, you can do you italy, i just got back and have been there many times
I have a uk visa and I planning to travel to uk and visit Italy and Germany aswell with RTD and only Uk visa on it. Is this trip possible l?
Yes, you can go to Italy and Germany, you do not need Visas for both countries and you don't also need a PR card
Hello everyone,
Does anyone have experience travelling to Europe with RTD and NO PR?
I have a valid RTD and a Schengen French Visa?
Is that good enough? Will they give me a hard time?
thank you
You're good to go, there will be no issues at all...have been there many times...enjoy your trip
Hi everyone,

I’m planning a trip to Colombia and was wondering if anyone has had any experience with Colombian immigration using a RTD?

Thank you

Visa for Colombia if we have the RTD and PR? Got an answer 2024 but unclear - did you find the answer or end up going?

I saw your post. The embassy doesn't pick up and won't reply to emails. Thank you!" from last year! I tried to call the embassy in ottawa and left msgs in spanish and nothing. I read someone went to colombia and ecuador visa free but not sure. I called the consulate but nothing! I sent email in spanish got this answered (here is the google translate tranlation):

Buenos días,

De manera atenta, nos permitimos informar que el trámite de visas colombianas se hace completamente en línea y en el siguiente enlace podrá encontrar toda la información al respecto:

El trámite de visas es rogado, esto es, a petición del interesado, razón por la cual el interesado debe determinar el tipo de visa y presentar la respectiva solicitud. De acuerdo con la nacionalidad y el propósito del viaje, el interesado puede verificar si requiere visa y, en caso de que lo requiera, cada persona define cual es el tipo de visa que sea adecuada a su caso y formula la solicitud en línea, adjuntado la documentación de acuerdo con los requisitos generales, para todo tipo de visa, y especiales para la visa que solicita. En el siguiente enlace https://www.cancilleria.gov.co/visas/larga-estancia encontrará los diferentes tipos de visas y los requisitos para cada uno de ellos.

El solicitante debe contar con un pasaporte, documento de viaje o Laissez Passer que, siendo expedido por Autoridad, Organización Internacional o Estado reconocido por el Gobierno de Colombia, tenga una vigencia mínima de seis (6) meses al momento de la solicitud de la visa, se encuentre en buen estado y con hojas libres para estampar la etiqueta de visa, en los casos en que se requiera.

Se destaca que el lleno de los requisitos no tiene como consecuencia automática el otorgamiento de la visa. Lo anterior, teniendo en cuenta que es competencia discrecional del Gobierno nacional, fundado en el principio de la soberanía del Estado, autorizar el ingreso y la permanencia de extranjeros al país.

La autoridad de visas dispone de 30 días para estudiar su solicitud. Cualquier comunicación en relación con su solicitud le llegará vía correo electrónico.

Si usted aplica para su visa en un Estado distinto al de su nacionalidad, deberá aportar copia del documento que de conformidad con las normas migratorias del país en el que se encuentra, acredite su estatus migratorio como residente.

El estudio, trámite y expedición de visa se adelanta en su totalidad de manera virtual. La visa electrónica permitirá a su titular ingresar, permanecer, salir del territorio nacional y acudir ante la autoridad de control migratorio para solicitar la cédula de extranjería, en los casos que proceda. Se imprimirá etiqueta para ser estampada en su pasaporte cuando la Autoridad de Visas e Inmigración lo considere necesario.

Así mismo, le informamos que la Autoridad de Visas (Consulado) no preconceptúa sobre casos ni otorga asesoría migratoria. La Autoridad de Visas únicamente estudia y se pronuncia sobre solicitudes de visa presentadas y pagadas.


**and then I sent them another email making sure I understood and they replied**

Buenos días,

Le reiteramos lo que se indica en nuestro correo anterior:

De acuerdo con la nacionalidad y el propósito del viaje, el interesado debe verificar si requiere visa y, en caso de que lo requiera, cada persona define cual es el tipo de visa que sea adecuada a su caso y formula la solicitud en línea.

English Translation:

First email:
Good morning,

We would like to inform you that the Colombian visa process is done completely online and in the following link you can find all the information about it: https://www.cancilleria.gov.co/tramites_servicios/visa

The visa process is requested, that is, at the request of the interested party, which is why the interested party must determine the type of visa and present the respective application. According to the nationality and the purpose of the trip, the interested party can verify if they require a visa and, if required, each person defines the type of visa that is appropriate for their case and submits the application online, attached. documentation in accordance with the general requirements, for all types of visa, and special requirements for the visa you are applying for. In the following link https://www.cancilleria.gov.co/visas/larga-estancia you will find the different types of visas and the requirements for each of them.

The applicant must have a passport, travel document or Laissez Passer that, being issued by an Authority, International Organization or State recognized by the Government of Colombia, has a minimum validity of six (6) months at the time of the visa application. , is in good condition and has free sheets to stamp the visa label, in cases where it is required.

It is highlighted that fulfilling the requirements does not automatically result in the granting of the visa. The above, taking into account that it is the discretionary competence of the national Government, based on the principle of State sovereignty, to authorize the entry and stay of foreigners in the country.

The visa authority has 30 days to study your application. Any communication regarding your request will be sent to you via email.

If you apply for your visa in a State other than that of your nationality, you must provide a copy of the document that, in accordance with the immigration regulations of the country in which you are located, accredits your immigration status as a resident.

The study, processing and issuance of the visa is carried out entirely virtually. The electronic visa will allow its holder to enter, stay, leave the national territory and go to the immigration control authority to request the immigration card, where appropriate. A label will be printed to be stamped in your passport when the Visa and Immigration Authority deems it necessary.

Likewise, we inform you that the Visa Authority (Consulate) does not pre-judge cases nor provide immigration advice. The Visa Authority only studies and decides on visa applications submitted and paid.


Second email:
Good morning,

We reiterate what was indicated in our previous email:

According to the nationality and the purpose of the trip, the interested party must verify if they require a visa and, if required, each person defines the type of visa that is appropriate for their case and submits the application online.
I've just checked on https://skyteam.traveldoc.aero , and the both needs a visa .

I checked and I could not find an answer. Not sure if you, Alberto, have visited again recently? I got this answer from the consulate in Montreal:
The embassy doesn't pick up and won't reply to emails. Thank you!" from last year! I tried to call the embassy in ottawa and left msgs in spanish and nothing. I called the consulate but nothing! I sent email in spanish got this answered (here is the google translate tranlation):

Buenos días,

De manera atenta, nos permitimos informar que el trámite de visas colombianas se hace completamente en línea y en el siguiente enlace podrá encontrar toda la información al respecto:

El trámite de visas es rogado, esto es, a petición del interesado, razón por la cual el interesado debe determinar el tipo de visa y presentar la respectiva solicitud. De acuerdo con la nacionalidad y el propósito del viaje, el interesado puede verificar si requiere visa y, en caso de que lo requiera, cada persona define cual es el tipo de visa que sea adecuada a su caso y formula la solicitud en línea, adjuntado la documentación de acuerdo con los requisitos generales, para todo tipo de visa, y especiales para la visa que solicita. En el siguiente enlace https://www.cancilleria.gov.co/visas/larga-estancia encontrará los diferentes tipos de visas y los requisitos para cada uno de ellos.

El solicitante debe contar con un pasaporte, documento de viaje o Laissez Passer que, siendo expedido por Autoridad, Organización Internacional o Estado reconocido por el Gobierno de Colombia, tenga una vigencia mínima de seis (6) meses al momento de la solicitud de la visa, se encuentre en buen estado y con hojas libres para estampar la etiqueta de visa, en los casos en que se requiera.

Se destaca que el lleno de los requisitos no tiene como consecuencia automática el otorgamiento de la visa. Lo anterior, teniendo en cuenta que es competencia discrecional del Gobierno nacional, fundado en el principio de la soberanía del Estado, autorizar el ingreso y la permanencia de extranjeros al país.

La autoridad de visas dispone de 30 días para estudiar su solicitud. Cualquier comunicación en relación con su solicitud le llegará vía correo electrónico.

Si usted aplica para su visa en un Estado distinto al de su nacionalidad, deberá aportar copia del documento que de conformidad con las normas migratorias del país en el que se encuentra, acredite su estatus migratorio como residente.

El estudio, trámite y expedición de visa se adelanta en su totalidad de manera virtual. La visa electrónica permitirá a su titular ingresar, permanecer, salir del territorio nacional y acudir ante la autoridad de control migratorio para solicitar la cédula de extranjería, en los casos que proceda. Se imprimirá etiqueta para ser estampada en su pasaporte cuando la Autoridad de Visas e Inmigración lo considere necesario.

Así mismo, le informamos que la Autoridad de Visas (Consulado) no preconceptúa sobre casos ni otorga asesoría migratoria. La Autoridad de Visas únicamente estudia y se pronuncia sobre solicitudes de visa presentadas y pagadas.


**and then I sent them another email making sure I understood and they replied**

enos días,

Le reiteramos lo que se indica en nuestro correo anterior:

De acuerdo con la nacionalidad y el propósito del viaje, el interesado debe verificar si requiere visa y, en caso de que lo requiera, cada persona define cual es el tipo de visa que sea adecuada a su caso y formula la solicitud en línea.

English Translation:

First email:
Good morning,

We would like to inform you that the Colombian visa process is done completely online and in the following link you can find all the information about it: https://www.cancilleria.gov.co/tramites_servicios/visa

The visa process is requested, that is, at the request of the interested party, which is why the interested party must determine the type of visa and present the respective application. According to the nationality and the purpose of the trip, the interested party can verify if they require a visa and, if required, each person defines the type of visa that is appropriate for their case and submits the application online, attached. documentation in accordance with the general requirements, for all types of visa, and special requirements for the visa you are applying for. In the following link https://www.cancilleria.gov.co/visas/larga-estancia you will find the different types of visas and the requirements for each of them.

The applicant must have a passport, travel document or Laissez Passer that, being issued by an Authority, International Organization or State recognized by the Government of Colombia, has a minimum validity of six (6) months at the time of the visa application. , is in good condition and has free sheets to stamp the visa label, in cases where it is required.

It is highlighted that fulfilling the requirements does not automatically result in the granting of the visa. The above, taking into account that it is the discretionary competence of the national Government, based on the principle of State sovereignty, to authorize the entry and stay of foreigners in the country.

The visa authority has 30 days to study your application. Any communication regarding your request will be sent to you via email.

If you apply for your visa in a State other than that of your nationality, you must provide a copy of the document that, in accordance with the immigration regulations of the country in which you are located, accredits your immigration status as a resident.

The study, processing and issuance of the visa is carried out entirely virtually. The electronic visa will allow its holder to enter, stay, leave the national territory and go to the immigration control authority to request the immigration card, where appropriate. A label will be printed to be stamped in your passport when the Visa and Immigration Authority deems it necessary.

Likewise, we inform you that the Visa Authority (Consulate) does not pre-judge cases nor provide immigration advice. The Visa Authority only studies and decides on visa applications submitted and paid.


Second email:
Good morning,

We reiterate what was indicated in our previous email:

According to the nationality and the purpose of the trip, the interested party must verify if they require a visa and, if required, each person defines the type of visa that is appropriate for their case and submits the application online.
I went to Ecuador in January and stop in Bogota for a few days .

Thanks for sharing!!! Have you visited recently? I am planning on going soon but this is what I got from the embassy in 2024:
The embassy doesn't pick up and won't reply to emails. Thank you!" from last year! I tried to call the embassy in ottawa and left msgs in spanish and nothing. I called the consulate but nothing! I sent email in spanish got this answered (here is the google translate tranlation):

Buenos días,

De manera atenta, nos permitimos informar que el trámite de visas colombianas se hace completamente en línea y en el siguiente enlace podrá encontrar toda la información al respecto:

El trámite de visas es rogado, esto es, a petición del interesado, razón por la cual el interesado debe determinar el tipo de visa y presentar la respectiva solicitud. De acuerdo con la nacionalidad y el propósito del viaje, el interesado puede verificar si requiere visa y, en caso de que lo requiera, cada persona define cual es el tipo de visa que sea adecuada a su caso y formula la solicitud en línea, adjuntado la documentación de acuerdo con los requisitos generales, para todo tipo de visa, y especiales para la visa que solicita. En el siguiente enlace https://www.cancilleria.gov.co/visas/larga-estancia encontrará los diferentes tipos de visas y los requisitos para cada uno de ellos.

El solicitante debe contar con un pasaporte, documento de viaje o Laissez Passer que, siendo expedido por Autoridad, Organización Internacional o Estado reconocido por el Gobierno de Colombia, tenga una vigencia mínima de seis (6) meses al momento de la solicitud de la visa, se encuentre en buen estado y con hojas libres para estampar la etiqueta de visa, en los casos en que se requiera.

Se destaca que el lleno de los requisitos no tiene como consecuencia automática el otorgamiento de la visa. Lo anterior, teniendo en cuenta que es competencia discrecional del Gobierno nacional, fundado en el principio de la soberanía del Estado, autorizar el ingreso y la permanencia de extranjeros al país.

La autoridad de visas dispone de 30 días para estudiar su solicitud. Cualquier comunicación en relación con su solicitud le llegará vía correo electrónico.

Si usted aplica para su visa en un Estado distinto al de su nacionalidad, deberá aportar copia del documento que de conformidad con las normas migratorias del país en el que se encuentra, acredite su estatus migratorio como residente.

El estudio, trámite y expedición de visa se adelanta en su totalidad de manera virtual. La visa electrónica permitirá a su titular ingresar, permanecer, salir del territorio nacional y acudir ante la autoridad de control migratorio para solicitar la cédula de extranjería, en los casos que proceda. Se imprimirá etiqueta para ser estampada en su pasaporte cuando la Autoridad de Visas e Inmigración lo considere necesario.

Así mismo, le informamos que la Autoridad de Visas (Consulado) no preconceptúa sobre casos ni otorga asesoría migratoria. La Autoridad de Visas únicamente estudia y se pronuncia sobre solicitudes de visa presentadas y pagadas.


**and then I sent them another email making sure I understood and they replied**

enos días,

Le reiteramos lo que se indica en nuestro correo anterior:

De acuerdo con la nacionalidad y el propósito del viaje, el interesado debe verificar si requiere visa y, en caso de que lo requiera, cada persona define cual es el tipo de visa que sea adecuada a su caso y formula la solicitud en línea.

English Translation:

First email:
Good morning,

We would like to inform you that the Colombian visa process is done completely online and in the following link you can find all the information about it: https://www.cancilleria.gov.co/tramites_servicios/visa

The visa process is requested, that is, at the request of the interested party, which is why the interested party must determine the type of visa and present the respective application. According to the nationality and the purpose of the trip, the interested party can verify if they require a visa and, if required, each person defines the type of visa that is appropriate for their case and submits the application online, attached. documentation in accordance with the general requirements, for all types of visa, and special requirements for the visa you are applying for. In the following link https://www.cancilleria.gov.co/visas/larga-estancia you will find the different types of visas and the requirements for each of them.

The applicant must have a passport, travel document or Laissez Passer that, being issued by an Authority, International Organization or State recognized by the Government of Colombia, has a minimum validity of six (6) months at the time of the visa application. , is in good condition and has free sheets to stamp the visa label, in cases where it is required.

It is highlighted that fulfilling the requirements does not automatically result in the granting of the visa. The above, taking into account that it is the discretionary competence of the national Government, based on the principle of State sovereignty, to authorize the entry and stay of foreigners in the country.

The visa authority has 30 days to study your application. Any communication regarding your request will be sent to you via email.

If you apply for your visa in a State other than that of your nationality, you must provide a copy of the document that, in accordance with the immigration regulations of the country in which you are located, accredits your immigration status as a resident.

The study, processing and issuance of the visa is carried out entirely virtually. The electronic visa will allow its holder to enter, stay, leave the national territory and go to the immigration control authority to request the immigration card, where appropriate. A label will be printed to be stamped in your passport when the Visa and Immigration Authority deems it necessary.

Likewise, we inform you that the Visa Authority (Consulate) does not pre-judge cases nor provide immigration advice. The Visa Authority only studies and decides on visa applications submitted and paid.


Second email:
Good morning,

We reiterate what was indicated in our previous email:

According to the nationality and the purpose of the trip, the interested party must verify if they require a visa and, if required, each person defines the type of visa that is appropriate for their case and submits the application online.
My case was a little different. I applied for these documents in June, 2022. And send soo many web forms to them. I got my PR card also during this process so they sent me a letter in Aug 2023 after 1 year that they want me to send a copy of the PR card to them signed by my guarantee. Which I sent in aug and then again I put soo many webforms and called them so many times and all the time they just told me that my file was in processing and marked urgent as I put req for urgent. But then when I called them on 3 Jan they told me that they still hadn't received my copy of the PR card which I sent back in aug I even gave them tracking too but they told me to send it again as they lost that mail somewhere and not able to locate it. So I sent that back but I also contacted with MP of my area and told them all the story and she put inquire and request them to send these documents as I really need to travel. After that within 20 days I got my passport tracking and got my passport in Feb finally after 1.5 years of waiting and soo many webforms and calls. I will suggest to talk with your MP and tell them to follow up on your file that really works.
Oh man you gave me some hope now. We are last minute travelling May 4th so We applied for my husbands RTD in March, April 24 I get notified after I called IRCC that we had to send in new passport photos because the original ones were bad so we xpress mailed via Canada post the same day. I start to panic because the date is so close for travel so I contact my local MP that same day, the case manager of the MP got to work right away , she’s been calling them to push them to send it asap and she’s updating me everyday since. I am also calling IRCC everyday to push , today we get notified that the RTD was sent off to get printed but not sent yet..we are crossing our fingers and toes and praying that by a miracle it will be get sent tomorrow or and get here in the next 2 days. It’s been very stressful, were you given a notice by the MPs office that the RTD was sent? How long do you think it took from when it was sent? I was told it gets xpress mailed by Canada post.
Hello folks,

how long does it take delivering for refugee travel document? i can not track to my tracking number.
IRCC said that ''we mailed to your address via Canada Post''
When / where were you notified of the tracking number?did you get it ?
When / where were you notified of the tracking number?did you get it ?
Finally i got my travel document today. it took almost 6 months.
good luck for everyone to wait for travel document.
they sent me my tracking number via email cause i was sending webform regularly.
Hello. If anyone is waiting for their RTD without any updates, I recommend you all send a letter mail to the following address:


I had been waiting for about 4 months without any updates. I called IRCC about 8-9 days ago and the agent informed me that the RTD processing officer left a note that I was missing my parents’ full names (but they never sent me a mail or email!!!) Finally, I sent a letter last week as regular mail to the above address with the information, and today they called both my references in front of me (which means they started my process). This is the format I used in my letter (please note I also moved recently so I added that too, you can simply ask them for an update on your application):

Subject: Update of Missing Information and Change of Address for Refugee Travel Document Application

Dear Sir/Madam,

I hope this message finds you well.

I am writing to follow up on my Refugee Travel Document application, which I initially submitted in January 2024.

After contacting the IRCC office on {Date}, I was informed that my application was incomplete due to missing information regarding my parents' surnames/full names. I am providing this required information as follows:

Mother's Full Name: XXXX

Father's Full Name: XXXX

Additionally, I would like to notify the office of my impending change of address. Effective {date}, my new residence will be:


I kindly request that all future correspondence be directed to my new address.

I would appreciate it if you could update my file with this information and advice on the next steps regarding my application process.

Thank you for your attention to this matter. I look forward to a prompt response.


{Your Full Name}

{Phone #}
{Email address}

If they are missing documents/information from you, it is very rare they reach out to you themselves so its always better to call. But most of the times the agent also doesnt have any information, which leaves us with the only one option of sending a regular letter mail to the office asking for an update, or simply reminding them of your application (it costs $2).

Good luck!
Hi everyone

I am planning on getting RTD without pr. I want to travel to south Africa, cape town during Christmas. do I need a visa? how long will it take for me to receive my RTD?
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