Hi winning glory i just check my GCkey .. My medical is now uploaded and it was already change to medical passed. AUGUST 27. Now I know that the papers is moving good. How's yours?
Maybe you will get yours soon . Keep me posted. Or update here. I'll update you here to for mine. ' just think positive and have more patience on this journey of ours. GOD Bless
Thank you so much mate ...my medicals got passed in 13th August, 2019 and Visa got approved on 28th August, 2019 n dispatched today itself.
Good luck U'll get it soon.
Thank you so much mate ...my medicals got passed in 13th August, 2019 and Visa got approved on 28th August, 2019 n dispatched today itself.
Good luck U'll get it soon.
Thank you so much mate ...my medicals got passed in 13th August, 2019 and Visa got approved on 28th August, 2019 n dispatched today itself.
Good luck U'll get it soon.
I got my medical passed AUg 27 mate, right after my repeat xray last aug 13. hope It wont take so long to receive the PPR . fingers crossed and hoping for the best . waaaaaaaah so happy to see that one of us here got success. wooo.hhh cheeeeeeeeeers..
I want to tell you some information regarding immigration medical . I am ptb Survivor. (I did 12 months treatment , more than 15 X-rays , two CT-scans , Two bronchoscopy , two time cultural tests including MTB and AFB BAL with bronchoscopy , one time immigration Cultural test)
Approach :I went to a small village's doctor to India's top specialist doctor who are having more than 45 years of experience in pTB diagnosis. You can't imagine how I got out from that extremely stressful situations . (Weight gained : 45kg to 80kg)
Right now I am in Canada as PR . I reached here in March 2019 . I had also cleared PTB test at here in Canada after landing .
Following points please note down :
PTB cann't stop you to move in Canada , because it is 100% curable . If you have any doubt please post your question on this forum I will ans it . ( This line is for those who have positive ptb, Nothing to worry about anything ) .
Now I want to tell rest of persons who are normal but have scar on their lungs . Please live without fear , because If you had ptb in your past years and you had treated more than 6 months and Now you have not symptoms then nothing to worry about anything .
Immigration process :
First phase : general medical test with chest X-ray !!
Second phase : if they have found any scar on your xray then they will required cultural test x 3 with a repeat xray. That process will take three months in India .
Third phase : If your Cultural report fine then doctor will do repeat x ray and compare it with older one , If everything is fine then doctor will upload the reports to immigration . and within two weeks maximum you will receive a mail from immigration of medical clearance .
Fourth phase : After medical clearance you will receive a on boarding letter within month or it will take 2 months max, In my case I got it within a week . That letter have all the information about facilities for new immigrants .
Fifth phase : You will get a passport request within 2 months after that letter, that is the max time you can get earlier as well.
Sixth phase : you will get your passport back within 2 weeks with COPR letters . ( Happiest moment but with some tensions )
Seventh phase : I said "happiest moment with some tensions" , that means you with get these COPR letters with medical surveillance letters . But nothing to worry about anything . In Canada doctors are not Greedy , There is very transparent and powerful examination system . You have need to clear your ptb tests here as well , it will not make any impact on your immigration process . You need to call TB nurse and then see to your doctor .
Live Happy Life in Canada !!.
I hope this information will make you happy . If anyone have any question please post it on this forum I will ans your questions when I will see . You can ask any type of doubt regarding PTB . I have very hard experience of it .
I am writing because recently I got cleared by Canadian Doctors and I realized many things regarding which medical I had in India before PPR . I don't want anyone face it as like me , I had extremely bad experiences but I also got some good doctors in India .
I will share my complete story when I will have some free time . In Canada life is very busy . Good luck guys
Sorry I forgot one more thing :
Note : Please choose a good doctor not hospital . Please check his background history , his study and his experience . That is very important .
Hello guys,
Below is my current status. Anyone with similar issue awaiting PR
AOR 17th september Updated date: 2019/05/23 IME status : Assessed IME status reason: Not Granted. RMO: Centralized Medical Admissibility Unit M profile: 5 Description: "Has a condition that might reasonably be expected to cause excessive demand on health or social services to such an extent that the applicant is inadmissable under section 38(1) S Profile: 2.02 Description: Inactive TB
Criminality and eligibility are passed.
Guys any one having similar issue ???
I know.many of you here are talking about TB.. I want to know how serious this can be ? As my application had already crossed 11months
Guys any one having similar issue ???
I know.many of you here are talking about TB.. I want to know how serious this can be ? As my application had already crossed 11months
Guys any one having similar issue ???
I know.many of you here are talking about TB.. I want to know how serious this can be ? As my application had already crossed 11months
Guys any one having similar issue ???
I know.many of you here are talking about TB.. I want to know how serious this can be ? As my application had already crossed 11months
Don't worry about anything , Just relax because I already mentioned even if someone have ptb no one can stop him/her to land in Canada but he/she required a treatment of tb .
1) Under which visa you have applied ?
2) 2.02 is ok and it is normal , its meaning you required medical surveillance after landing .
3) But M5 profile is not good , I have some doubt .
Can you explain about your medical ? from starting to till today's status in brief ?