This specific piece of text has been discussed here before. It likely does NOT mean that you must provide NOA for all five years, although it is poorly written.
-Arguably the text itself does not say provide NOA for 'all' five years before - note it does not even say Notices (plural) of Assessment.
-And simple logic: it said this before as things you can submit (when they did not require) and they likely did not change the text.
But it is poorly written, at least in the sense of ambiguous.
Knowing government and government people: they would have had a long discussion at some point in committee about the plural issue. And once that text was agreed, avoiding re-opening the matter was the most efficient course (for them), anythign to not discuss again.
I was only stating why I provided it because that’s how I read it, and even if I did, when it didn’t bother me as it was right at the source. Why are you so concerned with such a long wall of text if I went over the top and ultra-redundant? Semantics into what they meant to write or not, yourself claiming it is poorly written, or they had a committee deciding on plurals, etc., that blabber does not faze me. Rest assured, I sleep well at night regardless of whether I provide more than needed or not enough, because if I didn’t, well, I will provide if they ask for it.
I was only stating why I provided it because that’s how I read it, and even if I did, when it didn’t bother me as it was right at the source. Why are you so concerned with such a long wall of text if I went over the top and ultra-redundant? Semantics into what they meant to write or not, yourself claiming it is poorly written, or they had a committee deciding on plurals, etc., that blabber does not faze me. Rest assured, I sleep well at night regardless of whether I provide more than needed or not enough, because if I didn’t, well, I will provide if they ask for it.
Whatever. Explaining to others why they don't need to provide so much. And you seemed to be posting - and bolding - text to explain why you thought it meant five years was necessary. I was explaining why I think it does not mean that.
I submit my card replacement on March 05, no update so far, so I just raise a webform for urgent process, because I have career-related travel. Right now it's total 58 days passed.
Quick question to experts and VIP members if anyone applied for renewal and while it is in process stage left Canada, can he/she return Canada by using the old pr Card if it is still not expired and the new one has already arrived to his address.
I am applying to renew or card, I visited india for 9 months in 2022, I have my own home bought in 2021 and still living in same residence. I landed in 2018 July.
In absence calculation , I am mentioning IN and out detail from Canada to india.
when I am listing last 5 years address history, Do I need to mention here as welll my Indian address where I stayed in maternity leave 9 months there.
I am applying for or card renewal for myself. Do I need to click on accompanying children or citizen also. My 2 year old daughter travel with me to India and she has Canadian passport.
Hello everyone! Starting filling out the renewal application and having trouble in the Personal history section.
I assumed it shouldn't have ANY day gap in the timeline even though I wasn't employed over the 'weekend' in between the job? (lol)
and I guess we're not putting the current work experience as we cannot leave the 'To' date area?
Pocess I tried:
1. Launch PR Portal (google chrome only)
2. Right Client on the page, anywhere and select Inspect
3. On the right side a pane will be launched.
4. Enter your user id and password
5. On the right pane, Select "Network" from the menu (Elements | Console | Sources | Network | Performance ....)
6. Once you are in Network, at the bottom pane, search for the name which would be similar to: "cases?phaseid=3&count=1000"
Tip: Sort by the the Type and look for "xhr"
7. Once you click on the name (as in above), you will see the response payload on the right.
8. Look for status.
Hello i am not able to find status after these steps. is there anyother way to check it. i dont get this cases?phaseid=3&count=1000" thing. can u pls guide thanks!!!!
I have Submitted my Wife's PR Card renewal online on 2nd March 2024, the application status in portal still shows submitted. I sent a webform query and got the application number but i am unable to link it to GCKEY Portal nor i can track in Application Status check portal.
Does this mean that the processing hasnt yet started? My wifes PR expiry is on end of July 2024. Its been more than 2 months now and i am bit worried as to why its taking so long to process and havent been able to get proper answers through web form as well.
Is anyone else who has submitted during this timeline and waiting for PR card? Is there any other way to expadite the process?
Hello i am not able to find status after these steps. is there anyother way to check it. i dont get this cases?phaseid=3&count=1000" thing. can u pls guide thanks!!!!
I have Submitted my Wife's PR Card renewal online on 2nd March 2024, the application status in portal still shows submitted. I sent a webform query and got the application number but i am unable to link it to GCKEY Portal nor i can track in Application Status check portal.
Does this mean that the processing hasnt yet started? My wifes PR expiry is on end of July 2024. Its been more than 2 months now and i am bit worried as to why its taking so long to process and havent been able to get proper answers through web form as well.
Is anyone else who has submitted during this timeline and waiting for PR card? Is there any other way to expadite the process?
Raise a technical webform indicating unable to link application with GC key. Attach screenshots of the details you fill in.
It can sometimes take about 3 months for the application to get processed.