Honestly we should. The wait was mentally draining and physically consuming. To be away from your loved one for over 5 years is not a joke. I just pray everyone is speedily answered
Your gcms from june said security not started. How come it was processed this fast? My gcms from a few days ago says security not started and we received medical request yesterday. This is giving me hope
Your gcms from june said security not started. How come it was processed this fast? My gcms from a few days ago says security not started and we received medical request yesterday. This is giving me hope
Yeah you should be done by September or early October. The security test should be the Police certificate that I submitted along other documents when my file was transferred to Accra in 2021. I guess
Send your number. Let's chat privately if you wish
Hello everyone. I'm here to thank the Almighty God for finally answering me and also to encouraging everyone on the waiting list
Application received March 15, 2020
Start processing March 17 2021
Sent a correspondence April 7th 2021
Additional documents, proof of communication July 10, 2023
Medical request June 19th 2024
P PR August 6th 2024
Processing time 53 months
I wonder why you’re worried about that. The important thing is that you have Medical Instructions. Print it out and make necessary arrangements to do the medicals. If they don’t update on eCAS, they will update your file with them.
How long does eligibility take? Because they requested proof of communication and other marriage documents along with the medical exams so I guess they are just starting with eligibility.
Hello everyone. I'm here to thank the Almighty God for finally answering me and also to encouraging everyone on the waiting list
Application received March 15, 2020
Start processing March 17 2021
Sent a correspondence April 7th 2021
Additional documents, proof of communication July 10, 2023
Medical request June 19th 2024
P PR August 6th 2024
Processing time 53 months
Really???I am a dependent of a protected person, if principal applicant gets pr so I won’t be eligible for family sponsorship bcos of a pending protected person dependent application?