You can work as a dental receptionist, dental assistant, patient co-ordinator. The best thing to do first is to get a 'HARP CERTIFICATION' which will allow you to take X-RAYS at the clinics.[/QUOTE
How can you achieve a HARP CERTIFICATE FROM ONTARIO as a foreign trained dentist. Please could you help me with this ! Thank you
No, you don't need a license to work as an assistant, receptionist, coordinator but do get your credentials evaluated from WES and get a harp ceritificate. Trust me, only by having a harp certificate, you can easily get an asssistant job which will pay you more than 23$ per hour. I am not an expert at this but I did all this for my wife so I know.
No, you don't need a license to work as an assistant, receptionist, coordinator but do get your credentials evaluated from WES and get a harp ceritificate. Trust me, only by having a harp certificate, you can easily get an asssistant job which will pay you more than 23$ per hour. I am not an expert at this but I did all this for my wife so I know.
Hey I am BDS degree holder from pakistan and have canadian PR. I want to ask that on the basis of this drgree can I work as drntal hygienst or dental assistant in Canada. Can you kindly guide me about the rules and regularion of Newfoundland and labrador. Thankyou.