Voter ID and ration card
With this requirement I had a question to anyone who can guide me specific to the OCI process. I have never had a voter ID and I have never voted in India. My name was in a ration card 20+ years ago with my grandfather as the head of the family, but have never used it. Its one of those book ration card that's not even valid as addresses have changed and my dad never did anything about renewing it.
Question: Can I just submit a self declaration for both these documents. I don't have any reference number. Or do I need to do anything different? Any help is appreciated.
No dont just blindy self declare. Even if it is 20+ years. They have digital records and once you apply for oci they gonna ask your local ration dealer about the status. So go as per them otherwise they hv authority to ban u from entering.
I am applying for OCI only for myself. Spouse is Indian citizen. I have my spouse India passport copy. Will they want to see spouse original passport as well? or just copy is enough?
yes, same with me. I went today carrying proof of surrendering voter id and ration card. But they said its not required o add that proof in the application and just sign the declaration.
Has anyone applied for OCI under foreign spouse category? What is the process after the application has been submitted to BLS?
I submitted the application for wife via walk in BLS regina on 25th Nov. On BLS website it says that the application is at consulate for processing but I am unable to track in OCI status website. “No records found”.
@forw.jane Whats the timeline for BLS Montreal (HCI Ottawa)? My wife's OCI application acknowledgement date is October 9th. 8 weeks but still under process.
@forw.jane Whats the timeline for BLS Montreal (HCI Ottawa)? My wife's OCI application acknowledgement date is October 9th. 8 weeks but still under process.
On OCI website it is mentioned that it will be rejected for people who have served in military. Does not mention anything about other government employees. Well, I will wait if they approve my application otherwise its $400 down the drain.