Hey Guys,
I had a few questions from my GCMS notes. I ordered them from both IRCC and CBSA on the same day (~4weeks back). Today, I got the notes of the IRCC. Not of CBSA yet. Would those notes be any different? Anyways, the notes goes like this:
Eligibility: Not Started
Security: Not Started
Criminality: Passed
Org Crime:
Medical: Passed
Info Sharing: In Progress
Other Regs:
There is a section that says
Status: Cancelled and
Status: Passed- Bio.
I am guessing 2 takes precedence over 1 and was not needed? I am trying to figure out why 1 was cancelled and still on the assessments, its passed.
For Info sharing, it has:
Info Sharing :1
Type: Biometric FCC - Detail
Partner: USA
Status: Ready to be assessed
For other partner countries AUS, NZL, it says NRT. I see USA again two times after that on Info sharing 4 and 5:
Info Sharing: 4
Partner: USA
Status: NRT and
Info Sharing: 5
Partner: USA
Type: Biometric FCC
Status: Complete - Not Reviewed
Whats the difference between 'Biographic' and 'Biometric'? I am guessing IRCC needs to review all the information gathered (5) and make an assessment to (1), for Info Sharing to change from 'In Progress' to 'Assessed'? Am I thinking this right?

Also, I noticed that the request date on my notes says 2023/04/19, which is the same exact date that the new application tracker was last updated (top-right corner), OR the date on which most of the peoples 'Background Verification' went to 'In Progress'. Is it really a crazy coincidence OR is there something really obvious I am missing here? LOL