Medicals and biometrics letter received on the 6th of August. I applied on the 27th of June. Biometrics done 12 Aug medicals august 19th both updated in profile already
I noticed that my Back ground is updated from Not applicable to " We are processing your background check. We will send you a message if we need more information."
I worked in my home country, another European country and in Canada. Not sure how much time it takes. Fingers crossed.
I noticed that my Back ground is updated from Not applicable to " We are processing your background check. We will send you a message if we need more information."
I worked in my home country, another European country and in Canada. Not sure how much time it takes. Fingers crossed.
Oh Ok. You happened to stay in multiple countries? What is stage it is in BE: Info sharing/Criminal Check/ Security Screening? You can check with IRCC.
No actually. Its just means they are already consolidating everything. Its like a last checking in upper sense. Background, medical and eligibility. Then an email for the PR portal will trigger. They call it here P1