Can anyone suggest please? If in ecas I see "decision made", everything is completed, ceremony not started - does it mean the application is approved and I'm waiting to be included in the ceremony?
Can anyone suggest please? If in ecas I see "decision made", everything is completed, ceremony not started - does it mean the application is approved and I'm waiting to be included in the ceremony?
yes, everything is completed including LPP. Ceremony not startedYes, a decision has been made in file, and u will be in ceremony que. has ur LPP been marked completed? When
Yes -
Type: Online application
Location: Ottawa
Physical Presence Days: 1100
Application: Single
AOR: Jan 5th, 2023
Link to Tracker: Jan 7th, 2023
IP:Jan 7th, 2023
Ghost Update: Feb 18th
BG Completed: Mar 1st
Ghost Update: Mar 2nd
1st Test Invitation: May 30th
Test Taken (1st attempt): June 9th - 14/20.
2nd Test Invitation: July 28th
Test Taken: Aug 5th 18/20.
Test Complete: Aug 10th.
LPP: Completed Aug 29th - updated in tracker Aug 31st
Ceremony: Start - Sept 12th
Oath: Sept 29th (Sent OathForm as well)
How and when will I be receiving e-certificate? Do I need to sign up in another Portal?
Yes, it was a mistake by the agent who processed my file; he incorrectly calculated my physical presence days, which made me fall short of the required 1095 days. Therefore, my application was sent to a special department in the Sydney office that handles such cases, but to be reviewed by an officer not an agent. To reach your turn, I had to wait 9 months. Finally, the officer opened my file but he also followed the same mistake made by the agent and cancelled my file, sending me an explanation letter that I was short on days, etc. However, I replied to him with a detailed explanation that he had miscalculated my physical presence days, which left me almost 200+ days short. He replied to me with apologies that it was their mistake and two days later issued a new C number with a new AOR, noting that my file had been transferred to the local office and should be treated as urgent. So hopefully things should go smoothly from here. The only frustrating thing is that I found notes about this issue on the GCMS, and I tried to inform them about it via the call center, web form, and MP channel, but it seems they don't read the messages - it's only one-way communication.
A couple of questions -
1. Has anyone had to recently postpone their oath ceremony? If yes, were you able to secure an alternate date? If double yes, how soon or late is this alternate date since the original ceremony date?
2. For those receiving oath ceremony invitations or updates on the tracker, approximately after how long since these updates is your actual oath ceremony? A week? Few weeks?
Seriously, I wouldn't even mind if it takes 8 hours if I get an Oath inviteMy wife got invited to take the Oath in person in Hamilton. Any idea how long the ceremony will be? wife got invited to take the Oath in person in Hamilton. Any idea how long the ceremony will be?
Many Congratulations!Jan application and SCR office.
Type: Online application
Location: Ontario
Physical Presence Days: 1100
Applicant: Single
Application sent: January 9, 2023
Delivered: January 9, 2023
AOR: January 24, 2023
Additional Information Required (Copy of expired passport): January 24, 2023
Additional Information Received by IRCC: January 25, 2023
Ghost update: March 1st, 2023
Background Check Completed: March 1, 2023, Reflected on March 2, 2023
Citizenship Test Window March 24, 2023 - April 13, 2023
Test taken March 24, 2023
Supplementary evident request: Provincial card (driver licenses or OHIP) provided both within mins of receiving the email from
LPP completed: Sep 26, 2023, reflected on Sep 28, 2023
ceremony not started.
Sorry to hear that, I hope they process it faster this time around!New update: my application has been cancelled due administrative error on my physical presence
Hey buddy, it says the same for my wife and me and we've both cleared our B/GGot GCMS notes for my partner - no change from 28 July to 14 Sep notes
Any idea if this note is standard