Just like an other country, there is a resource crunch in Canada. We all agree that Canada faces housing crisis, healthcare, job wage stagnation etc.
The issue here is who is deciding the allocation of these resources. while H&C is constantly getting overwhelmed by the number of applicants vs the target set by IRCC, in my honest opinion, Reform is needed at the IRCC policy level that allocate said resources to each program.
Here is some data.
Ukrainians pathway: 300,000
Syrian pathway: 100,000+
Afghan pathway: 40,000
Sudan: 2890
H&C (2018): 3,700 admitted. 17,000 in inventory
There is no denying that these countries are experiencing war and conflicts. Huge humanitarian crisis. However, if resources are limited. Why does our federal government want to show the world that Canada is a world leader in humanitarian aid, while our families are allocated peanuts under H&C.
Students, Parents, Temporary workers are already in Canada. They have already paid into the Canadian economy via HST, Income Tax, Tuition fees, Medical Insurance etc. Sure, many would have also drained from the social welfare.
However, in my opinion, the government at a policy level, from an economic perspective, has prioritized estimated future economic contributions over the current contributions by folks who are already here.
P.S - I am aware this is a distraction from the motive of this forum, which is to help one another with H&C application. I apologize.