Exactly the question I've been asking since January this year. For some bizarre reason there are still plenty of May 2017 applicants who are still waiting. There's no transparency once your file is stuck in security stage. My medicals have expired and I have no clue as to when my case will be finalised and why my security is taking so long. Never worked for government or military, never travelled to any suspicious country. Albeit, I do have an extensive travel history which expands to 28 countries. So that could be the reason as to why I maybe in SS .
Who's Ralph? And I already emailed hussen, whose office's reply was the usual BS that they can't comment on individual cases, neither can they expedite the security process. I'm only gonna wait until my cbsa notes turn up and then I'll be shoving the writ of mandamus up their useless lazy asses.
Guys the security screening takes any time between 9-12 months for processing. I had been stuck in this security screening for almost a year. Anyone in security screening should wait for at least 10 months before ordering CSIS or CBSA notes.
Guys the security screening takes any time between 9-12 months for processing. I had been stuck in this security screening for almost a year. Anyone in security screening should wait for at least 10 months before ordering CSIS or CBSA notes.
I'm wasn't certain about the SS that's why I ordered CSIS notes, which partially clarified the doubt that I may not be under SS after all. Though, I ordered CBSA notes for the sake of my own sanity and to be 100% sure of my file being under SS or not.
Where is this coming from that it takea 9 months? When fact is all they have to do is run some checks against their databases that takes maximum 96 hours.
What about people who got ppr in 6th or 7th month? Were they not able to get their SS done within 5-6 months?
Spot on mate. And the ironic thing is that on the CIC's website it still says that the regular indepth screening takes upto 3 months and the screening for the people who have previously served in military, has held a position in government or have committed some sort of criminality offence, their screening can take upto 6 months. After all it's only the results of criminality and security risk management that they need to establish from this exercise. Either way, 6 months is more than sufficient enough time to carry out any type of screening. I've previously read in one of the other forums that even FBI only takes maximum of 3 months to carry out security screening for the people entering the US.
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Yeah sure mate, I have to search it again and then I'll post it here. They've no work standards and files are just piling up at their offices gathering dust.
That's why I said that the writ of mandamus is the ultimate solution, though it's bloody expensive.
Where is this coming from that it takea 9 months? When fact is all they have to do is run some checks against their databases that takes maximum 96 hours.
What about people who got ppr in 6th or 7th month? Were they not able to get their SS done within 5-6 months?
After struggling for entire 1 year in these security checks, banging at the doors of my local member parliaments and looking at different forums, CSIS and CBSA related documents, I can confirm that the timeline that I have provided for extensive security checks is some where 9-12 months.
For the people who got their PRs in 6th or 7th months they are PNP inlanders. CEC people get their PPRs somewhere between 20-100 days. For FSW applicants it varies from region to region. For US citizens, people get their PPRs between 40-120 days. For Pakistanis the timeline is between 90-120 days. All these timelines are for those applications where applicants do not go through extensive security checks. Normal security takes 24 hrs to be completed. Some unlucky ones, like me, get selected for CBSA and CSIS security which is a 3rd party organization and their timelines are not restricted to the average 6 months as advertised by CIC.
If you are stats guy, then go to the immigration trackers, to confirm the above timelines.
Exactly the question I've been asking since January this year. For some bizarre reason there are still plenty of May 2017 applicants who are still waiting. There's no transparency once your file is stuck in security stage. My medicals have expired and I have no clue as to when my case will be finalised and why my security is taking so long. Never worked for government or military, never travelled to any suspicious country. Albeit, I do have an extensive travel history which expands to 28 countries. So that could be the reason as to why I maybe in SS .
A very common reason of being selected for security screening is extensive travelling history. In my case, the irony was that I was already in Canada, had a valid student permit for my PhD and yet for some unknown reason, I got into this security mess.
Exactly the question I've been asking since January this year. For some bizarre reason there are still plenty of May 2017 applicants who are still waiting. There's no transparency once your file is stuck in security stage. My medicals have expired and I have no clue as to when my case will be finalised and why my security is taking so long. Never worked for government or military, never travelled to any suspicious country. Albeit, I do have an extensive travel history which expands to 28 countries. So that could be the reason as to why I maybe in SS .
After struggling for entire 1 year in these security checks, banging at the doors of my local member parliaments and looking at different forums, CSIS and CBSA related documents, I can confirm that the timeline that I have provided for extensive security checks is some where 9-12 months.
For the people who got their PRs in 6th or 7th months they are PNP inlanders. CEC people get their PPRs somewhere between 20-100 days. For FSW applicants it varies from region to region. For US citizens, people get their PPRs between 40-120 days. For Pakistanis the timeline is between 90-120 days. All these timelines are for those applications where applicants do not go through extensive security checks. Normal security takes 24 hrs to be completed. Some unlucky ones, like me, get selected for CBSA and CSIS security which is a 3rd party organization and their timelines are not restricted to the average 6 months as advertised by CIC.
If you are stats guy, then go to the immigration trackers, to confirm the above timelines.
Yeah I know what you're saying man and that's why I said that these people aren't what they portray to be. They let the piles build up and then make the candidates life hell. Have you ever considered filing for the writ of mandamus?
A very common reason of being selected for security screening is extensive travelling history. In my case, the irony was that I was already in Canada, had a valid student permit for my PhD and yet for some unknown reason, I got into this security mess.
Yeah I know that my extensive travel history could be the only reason for my SS. But saying that people who live in Europe and have means to travel either for work or pleasure do have extensive travel histories. And I personally know quite few people who held western European passports with extensive travel history got their applications approved within 6-7 months timeframe. So my issue isn't with the SS but what infuriates me is the double standard and discrimination from the IRCC.
Yeah I know what you're saying man and that's why I said that these people aren't what they portray to be. They let the piles build up and then make the candidates life hell. Have you ever considered filing for the writ of mandamus?
I was about to file mandamus in July but on 27th June they had asked me for my medicals again which was an indication that I came out of security screening.
Yeah I know that my extensive travel history could be the only reason for my SS. But saying that people who live in Europe and have means to travel either for work or pleasure do have extensive travel histories. And I personally know quite few people who held western European passports with extensive travel history got their applications approved within 6-7 months timeframe. So my issue isn't with the SS but what infuriates me is the double standard and discrimination from the IRCC.