F. Why do BGC takes so long for some applicants?
If your application is stuck in the BGC and your GCMS notes show that everything else has been completed, then it could be wither of the two scenarios:
a) The application is stuck with CSIS. CSIS may be conducting an in-depth investigation into your file. This could be a result of your past military service, extensive travel to suspicious countries, known political or governmental affiliation. Sometimes it could be as remote as the company you worked for is under investigation by a law enforcement agency of a foreign country. Only since you were an employee, and not named in the investigation, CSIS will take its time to probe the issue before it gives its conclusive report.
b) The CSIS report is awaiting final review from IRCC: In most cases the delay is at this stage. CSIS after filing its report, the IRCC has to make a final review and adetermination. When CSIS flags a few things, CSIS does not recommend that the application be cancelled, but it is on the IRCC to determine if based on the CSIS report an applicant would beinadmissible in accordance with IRPA. Most applications are held up here. This is because the IRCC will send that report to officials specifically trained to look into the inadmissibility issues based on security and they will make a final determination, which will then be approved by an agent.
G. What can an applicant do if his application is stuck at BGC?
If an application is stuck at BGC for a very long time, i.e. more than 3-5 months after your eligibility is cleared you have two options:
a) You can inquire about the status of your security check directly from CSIS. To enquire about the status of a an immigration screening file, the following information is required*:
a. a full name,
b. date and place of birth,
c. the signature of the applicant, and
d. a return mailing address as replies are not sent by email or fax.
e. If you are enquiring on behalf of another person, the request must be accompanied by the
Consent Form to Disclose Information to a Designated Individual.
f. Mail or fax the request to CSIS at the attention of:
Assistant Director, Operations
Canadian Security Intelligence Service
P.O. Box 9732, Station T
Ottawa, ON
K1G 4G4
It takes CSIS 8 weeks to process these requests. Information on this is available at
https://www.csis.gc.ca/scrtscrnng/index-en.php#bm02 Some applicants have successfully obtained information from CSIS.
b) If CSIS has finished the security screening, then your file is pending final review with IRCC. There is nothing much you can do at this stage. However, there is anecdotal evident that ordering GCMS notes does initiate the process. This is because every time you order GCMS notes, an agent will review the notes before releasing them. If the file has been reviewed by the Agent, and is pending posting the update on the system, the same will be done by the agent when he is reviewing the notes and this will move your file ahead.