Re: General Information for Canada Immigrants
Candid advise
tech2015 said:Hi friends,
Me and my family , Got PR to Canada in April 2015 and Moved Canada in Nov 2015. Me and my wife both are Engineer and I was working in India in Large corporate as good position.
Few Information and awareness:
1. Think before you apply for PR , as the jobs are not like India
2. You may not get similar status jobs in Canada.
3. People who are in authority are less educated ( Local Canadian), but they are the authority so , you may get job or you may not....
4. its possible you have to do nonregular jobs i.e. Pizza shops, grocery store, ...
5. Be prepared with yourself, try to mix with local people .... that's what they like it.
6. CIIP , prepare for Canada, work BC, help immigrants, ...kind of organization are not that helpful... they just need your sin no so that they can get funds from govt and run there shops.
7. Life is very good, IF you have good job ...if not take any jobs initially for survival , nothing to shame,... it will help you to save your money...
8. Kids education is good and free till grade 12. also you get loan easily for higher education.
Before landing,
1. Complete all your driver licensing and all reference documents from RTO. Make sure it is valid more than 6 months. If its 6 months old officers won't accept, and unfortunate part is that they don't understand. Take car Insurance company letter also.
2. Get medical insurance for 3 months ,if you are keeping Min 100$ base re imbursement, don't take it , go for less or 0$. because whatever you claim nothing you will get if its less than 100$.
3. Bring maximum amount of money first time, it will be non taxable.
4. Complete all vaccination in india/ you home country and get letter in English. for your kids
5. Get Transcripts from your college for you and your family , 10 copies.
I just gave you my real experience ,,,,right now I got a job in my field but in lower position, wife is not doing regular jobs.
This is just an eye opener, THINK, UNDERSTAND, then DO.
All the best
Candid advise