All the eligibility requirements for EE is on the IRCC site. This is a volunteer forum. If you want someone to read and research for you then hire a licensed immigration consultant. Have you even read the EE requirements? Yes you need IELTS and ECA for education.
is there a thread in this forum that someone can point me to, that will provide a step-by-step instructions of how to apply for Express Entry process(in order).
If here is no thread of that can, could someone who has in-depth understanding of the process, kindly create one and put it as sticky?
I am bit confused as to what would be the first step in applying for the EE and its corresponding steps.
Though website provide instructions to certain extent, i am not entirely convinced as i understand there is lot more required than what is mentioned on the website.
These instruction will be helpful not just to me but many aspirants who are seeking a lucid understanding of the process.
is there a thread in this forum that someone can point me to, that will provide a step-by-step instructions of how to apply for Express Entry process(in order).
If here is no thread of that can, could someone who has in-depth understanding of the process, kindly create one and put it as sticky?
I am bit confused as to what would be the first step in applying for the EE and its corresponding steps.
Though website provide instructions to certain extent, i am not entirely convinced as i understand there is lot more required than what is mentioned on the website.
These instruction will be helpful not just to me but many aspirants who are seeking a lucid understanding of the process.
Stage 1 - Educational Credential Assessment
Get Transcripts from your university and send it to WES/IQAS/CES
You will be charges around CAD 325 (by WES)
Complete your IELTS
Once you receive your ECA and IELTS report
Stage 2:
Create EE profile
Register on Job Bank
Canada is providing around 16 options to apply apart from Federal selection
Wait for ITA
Stage 3:
Visa Stage
Pay Visa fees CAD 850 (Main applicant + Spouse)
Landing Tax CAD 515 ( (Main applicant + Spouse)
no Tax for children
Submit PCC and Medicals
Visa process will take around 2 to 3 months and prepare to land in Canada
Hope this helps
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forumSection: Immigration to Canada, subForumSection: Express Entry / Expression of Interest
About the express entrance profile's "work experience" area, I have a query.
Is it still essential to declare any employment held prior to 2019 as an FSW if the "3 years or more" criterion for work experience is already achieved by reporting all positions one has held in their major profession noc code after 2019?
I.e., is it okay to not mention employment history from jobs they held between 2015 and 2017 that had nothing to do with their primary occupation in the express entry profile? It might not be very useful to be able to provide experience letters from these positions. Please provide your opinion.
About the express entrance profile's "work experience" area, I have a query.
Is it still essential to declare any employment held prior to 2019 as an FSW if the "3 years or more" criterion for work experience is already achieved by reporting all positions one has held in their major profession noc code after 2019?
I.e., is it okay to not mention employment history from jobs they held between 2015 and 2017 that had nothing to do with their primary occupation in the express entry profile? It might not be very useful to be able to provide experience letters from these positions. Please provide your opinion.
There are two parts of an application under Express Entry, FSW and CRS
Under FSW eligibility you should have 67 points to be eligible. If, with 3 years of work experience, your FSW score is 67, then you can ignore the work experience more than 3 years old in CRS.
There are two parts of an application under Express Entry, FSW and CRS
Under FSW eligibility you should have 67 points to be eligible. If, with 3 years of work experience, your FSW score is 67, then you can ignore the work experience more than 3 years old in CRS.
Thank you so much for responding. If a person ignores a work ex that is more than three years old, they must still mention it in the personal history section (ten years of history) after receiving an ITA, correct? If so, what documents will be required for work experience listed in the personal history section but not used to obtain CRS points?
hi the consent letter/authorization letter for joint account with my spouse to use as proof of funds. the letter should address to IRCC or to the bank?
Thank you so much for responding. If a person ignores a work ex that is more than three years old, they must still mention it in the personal history section (ten years of history) after receiving an ITA, correct? If so, what documents will be required for work experience listed in the personal history section but not used to obtain CRS points?
hi the consent letter/authorization letter for joint account with my spouse to use as proof of funds. the letter should address to IRCC or to the bank?
But it is your job responsibilities that match the NOC. No one can tell you unless you post your responsibilities. Post what NOCs you think your job matches. And please don’t call me bro.