is this the common wording they use for a FP request?
"After reviewing the biographical information on your application form, there are questions in your case with
regard to sections 21 and/or 22 of the Citizenship Act, explained further on the second page of this letter."
Just curious, Calgary or Vancouver? I'm a Calgary applicant myself and not received the email but agent mentioned I was being processed in Vancouver as I assumed most from Alberta were. Did your email come from Calgary?
Thanks for the update. I have since received my email as well and like yours, it came from the Calgary office. Interesting bit considering that applications from Alberta seem to be processed in Vancouver.
Test is actually very easy.. like common basic questions.. i read alot, make notes of dates.. but actual test , I did in less then 4 minutes.. so do not stress.. my test window was 2nd feb to march.. i gave on 2nd feb and result updated on 5th feb.. only tricky part is to take picture of your id.. it took me 2 attempts and got expired.. at last i eneded up with blurry picture.. but it got accepted
Test is actually very easy.. like common basic questions.. i read alot, make notes of dates.. but actual test , I did in less then 4 minutes.. so do not stress.. my test window was 2nd feb to march.. i gave on 2nd feb and result updated on 5th feb.. only tricky part is to take picture of your id.. it took me 2 attempts and got expired.. at last i eneded up with blurry picture.. but it got accepted
I was nervous and tried mock tests but after I read your comment I went ahead and did it right away haha. Scored 18/20. I know where the 2 wrong answers were but don't really care. The only thing is that I used my iPad and the camera did not seem to cover a wide area because I sit quite close to the screen. Hopefully they would not question that part and request me to redo the test.
I did the test today. Score 17/20 . Do you know how many days it takes to appear on the screen and how long will it take from here for oath. My office is nigara.
From what I've been seeing, the test's taking about a week to be updated on the tracker as completed. As for the oath, it's been going pretty fast for most people in the past few months. If you're one of the lucky ones, it could be within a month's time. If you're unlucky, it could be in 15+ months from today.
I gave finger prints on jan 19th but it still says in progress so how long does it take. I have test on jan 30 and updated on tracker as completed on feb 8th.