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forumSection: Settlement in Canada, subForumSection: Citizenship

December 2023 - Citizenship Applications

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forumSection: Settlement in Canada, subForumSection: Citizenship
Had my oath ceremony yesterday - virtual sadly, instead of in-person. It's really heartbreaking to cut up your card :( and end up without any valid federal document.

Others in my boat: when does the e-certificate become available.
I had my virtual ceremony earlier today and received my e-certificate in a few hours (after I emailed them the oath form).
I had my virtual ceremony earlier today and received my e-certificate in a few hours (after I emailed them the oath form).

that's wonderful. I was also hoping to get it quickly and sent in the form within an hour or two of the ceremony. But no sign of it yet. Do they email you that its available to download or do you just need to checking the portal? Maybe it'll take me a couple of days... but it'd be good to know if I should just wait for an update.
that's wonderful. I was also hoping to get it quickly and sent in the form within an hour or two of the ceremony. But no sign of it yet. Do they email you that its available to download or do you just need to checking the portal? Maybe it'll take me a couple of days... but it'd be good to know if I should just wait for an update.
Yes, I received an email from that person (who did the initial reg) followed by a set of emails (one for each family member). So, yes this was a surprise.
Finally received an email today for citizenship ceremony, scheduled for June 10th. There were no updates on the tracker so it was a nice surprise to receive an email this afternoon.

LPP completed May 1st. Vancouver office. Almost done!!!
Gor update for test today

Application submitted on December 21, 2023
AOR: January 8, 2024
Application filed: January 8, 2024
Goast Update: January 23, 2024
Update in account to schedule citizenship test: February 3, 2024
Activity status updated: Citizenship test in an account dated February 1, 2024
Citizenship test to be taken between February 8, 2024 and March 9, 2024.
Citizenship test taken: February 9, 2024
Account update on February 15. 2024 showing test complete as of Feb 13, 2024

Language skills, Physical presence, Citizenship test, Background verification and Prohibitions are in progress.


After the test no updates! BG and LPP are still in progress!

Just received an email for the Citizenship Oath in Person for June 11!

Vancouver Office
Hello everyone, my IRCC sob saga has officially come to an end! Finally finished my in-person oath yesterday and I am now officially a Canadian citizen.

This group has been so instrumental in tolerating our frustrations and engaging in discussions. Congrats to everyone that has completed their oath so far and my best wishes to those waiting. Remember, each passing day is a day closer to you becoming a proud Canadian. We all have come so far so never give up on hope. :)

And to all my fellow and future Indo-Canadians, I will see you all the the Surrender Certificate/OCI threads. :D Time to head over to those since that's a whole new ballgame for us.

So happy for you! Genuinely. Congrats! Woo-hoo!!!
Had the oath ceremony today, officially a Canadian now!

Thank you everyone on this thread, seeing everyone's timelines here was very helpful!

So happy for you. So much good news on the thread today! Congrats!
I just saw this on tracker (Congratulations! You've been scheduled to attend your citizenship ceremony on June 4, 2024. Follow the instructions you will receive in your ceremony invitation. ) No email yet.
Une nouvelle mise à jour est apparue aujourd'hui le 30 Mai. Les étapes « Compétences Linguistiques », « Présence Effective », et celle de « Interdictions » sont maintenant complètes. On m'a demandé par courriel les copies numérisées de mes passeports et de mes documents de voyage le 29 avril.

New update today. LPP marked complete. I didn't post about it here but they asked me to send them passport and travel document scans on 4/29 and I ended up emailing these twice. The first time was the same day on 4/29 but I didn't change the email subject line per their instructions. I only realized that a couple weeks later so I sent the same scans again by email on 5/17. I never got any acknowledgement of receipt by email and reaching out via webform gave me a non-answer response (which btw they took 14 calendar days for) because they completely misread my question. Anyway, I ended up ordering GCMS notes a week ago and I finally called their helpline on 5/28 because yesterday 5/29 was my last day to provide the scans to them. After being hung up on once by an unprofessional agent who I guess isn't used to talking to someone neurodivergent who doesn't have speech patterns that exactly match neurotypical people and then accused me of not being who I am lol, I finally got a clear response from the second agent that they had, in fact, been able to add the scans I sent them to my file.

I honestly wasn't expecting LPP to be done so soon given I have a very anormal case. But this just reminds me that seeds already know where the water is!

Une nouvelle mise à jour est apparue le 5 avril. L’étape « vérification des antécédents » est maintenant marquée comme terminée.
Compétences linguistiques, présence effective, et interdictions restent en cours. Cada cosa a su debido tiempo.

Background is marked as complete. Language, physical presence, and prohibitions (LPP) remain in progress. Things continue to proceed at just the right pace. :)

For fellow farmers, the seeds I put in in my little garden at the end of the frost are doing really well. I can already see tiny little leaves peeking out from the soil.

Other side note about seeds: sequoias are my favorite trees in the world. We have the green sequoias here in BC but if you travel south to the north of California, you can also see the red ones in the interior. If you haven't seen a sequoia seed before in your life, I highly recommend taking a gander at one. They're one of the smallest coniferous seeds. A humble seed 4-5 cm in length contains all the knowledge, patience, and steadfast vision to grow into a veritable giants of more than 70 feet that lives for 3000 years. Lessons abound for those that are willing to learn.
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Does anyone know if we can use the same pictures from the citizenship application when applying for a passport? Looks like the specification for both is the same, and it’s within 6 months since taken
Even the 10 business day normal processing on a Passport Office is good.

I opted for a non Passport Office Service Canada which has processing timeline of 20 business days which is the worst of all.
Thanks for the suggestion! I initially booked an appointment at a non-passport service Canada for Tuesday morning. Later I cancelled it and now walking in to a Passport Office service Canada first thing in the morning same day.
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