hey guys
as an update on our file.we both were in interview today.It took around 1 hour and they ask variety of question related to work and life. they were so polite and friendly and they were anted to test our knowledge of french so you do not need to memories anything just if your level is what you mentioned in your application most probably you would be accepted. we got accepted and they told us we will receive it in a week. hope everything goes well for all of you.
hey guys
as an update on our file.we both were in interview today.It took around 1 hour and they ask variety of question related to work and life. they were so polite and friendly and they were anted to test our knowledge of french so you do not need to memories anything just if your level is what you mentioned in your application most probably you would be accepted. we got accepted and they told us we will receive it in a week. hope everything goes well for all of you.
Congratulations!! You must feel relieved to finally receive the CSQ. How long was it after you had received the Avis until they sent you an invite for an interview?
Congratulations!! You must feel relieved to finally receive the CSQ. How long was it after you had received the Avis until they sent you an invite for an interview?
Hello I have applied through PRTQ (Regular Skilled Worker's program) and i'm an inland single candidate. I received the invitation on 5th June , did the Valeurs test, and they received my file on 3rd July. My status changed from ' En attente de traitement' to 'En Traitement' a month later, and since then its still on the same status. I'm on the 4th month of waiting - is this normal wait times for PRTQ? From earlier threads i read that once the status chnages to En Traitement you could expect the csq, but i guess that has changed. I also thought processing was becoming faster - i know for PEQ its quick. Is anyone on the same boat as me?
Hello I have applied through PRTQ (Regular Skilled Worker's program) and i'm an inland single candidate. I received the invitation on 5th June , did the Valeurs test, and they received my file on 3rd July. My status changed from ' En attente de traitement' to 'En Traitement' a month later, and since then its still on the same status. I'm on the 4th month of waiting - is this normal wait times for PRTQ? From earlier threads i read that once the status chnages to En Traitement you could expect the csq, but i guess that has changed. I also thought processing was becoming faster - i know for PEQ its quick. Is anyone on the same boat as me?
He say's they just stopped the submission for new PEQ Diplôme applications, so does that mean it's business as usual for us who are stuck on "en traitement" ?
I think so, common sense implies already existing applications should not be affected. And yeah, he explicitly says about new ITAs and new applications in PEQ stream.