Hey guys, those who have taken the test, what do you mean it's easy? I'm a mess when it comes to dates. I've read the guide a few times and I've been doing some online tests...Depending on the practice test I take, I either get a very good score (18-20) or I fail! I want to get the test out of the way, but this is killing me because I don't know if I'll ever feel ready to take it.
Thanks for the clarifications.
So, Post receiving AORs on Oct 5th, Me, My husband and kids received and email for creating tracker on Oct 12th.
However, I see that my Tracker account says new update on Oct 13th for myself and my husband.. But no change in the tracker.
Could this be a GU or its regarding the tracker email I received on Oct 12th?
If it's a GU, could it mean that the BG is complete, and I should expect something this week?
Usually the first GU is an indication that processing of your application has started. I never got an update for background completed which was a week later.
Hey guys, those who have taken the test, what do you mean it's easy? I'm a mess when it comes to dates. I've read the guide a few times and I've been doing some online tests...Depending on the practice test I take, I either get a very good score (18-20) or I fail! I want to get the test out of the way, but this is killing me because I don't know if I'll ever feel ready to take it.
I'm really bad with dates too, but there's not that many important dates to memorize I think.
When did settlers from France first establish communities on the St. Lawrence River: Early 1600s
When did the United Empire Loyalists come to Canada?: During and after the American Revolution, late 1700 (1776-1783).
Which Act granted, for the first time in Canada, legislative assemblies elected by the people: The Constitutional Act of 1791.
Significance of War of 1812 for Canada: Canada kept its independence from the United States.
When was the Canadian Pacific Railway finished? Late 1800
British North America Act come into effect in 1867. It made Confederation legal, so Canada became a country in 1867 too.
Constitution Act of 1982 allowed modification of the Constitution without the approval from the British Government, so they added Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms to Constitution in 1982.
What happened to Quebecois in 2006: The House of Commons recognized in 2006 that the Quebecois form a nation within a united Canada.
Notice that you don't even have to remember dates for some of these. Just do the tests online, richmond's and v-soul's test is enough. With Richmond you can show all questions, but for v-soul you have to create a new test each time, so I would suggest starting with Richmond's test. I think Richmond library's test covers more stuff too.
I studied to the test by solving these practice questions and wrote the ones that I don't know or got wrong to a word document, then eliminated them as I memorized them. After going over the test and the word document a few times, I eliminated most of the stuff from the word document and read everything before going to test again and took it.
Hey guys, those who have taken the test, what do you mean it's easy? I'm a mess when it comes to dates. I've read the guide a few times and I've been doing some online tests...Depending on the practice test I take, I either get a very good score (18-20) or I fail! I want to get the test out of the way, but this is killing me because I don't know if I'll ever feel ready to take it.
Application Type: Online
Application Submitted: August 24, 2023
AOR: September 26, 2023
Tracker access: September 28, 2023
GU #1: October 7, 2023 (Just on tracker/ no change/ no email)
GU #2: October 12, 2023 (Just on tracker/ no change/ no email) Citizenship test in Progress: October 14, 2023
Test window as per tracker: Between October 20, 2023 and November 9, 2023
Usually when you pass your test how long does it take to reflect on the tracker and how long before they invite you for an oat pls if anyone has an idea. Vancouver process Center
Application Type: Online
Application Submitted: August 24, 2023
AOR: September 26, 2023
Tracker access: September 28, 2023
GU #1: October 7, 2023 (Just on tracker/ no change/ no email)
GU #2: October 12, 2023 (Just on tracker/ no change/ no email) Citizenship test in Progress: October 14, 2023
Test window as per tracker: Between October 20, 2023 and November 9, 2023
Usually when you pass your test how long does it take to reflect on the tracker and how long before they invite you for an oat pls if anyone has an idea. Vancouver process Center
Application Type: Online
Application Submitted: August 24, 2023
AOR: September 26, 2023
Tracker access: September 28, 2023
GU #1: October 7, 2023 (Just on tracker/ no change/ no email)
GU #2: October 12, 2023 (Just on tracker/ no change/ no email) Citizenship test in Progress: October 14, 2023
Test window as per tracker: Between October 20, 2023 and November 9, 2023