I have created EE profile. But I am confused about 1 thing. In the Education section I entered the detail of my BBA and MBA since, ECA is only for my BBA and MBA. My query is "do I have to enter the detail of my SSC and HSC credentials?" Please help.......
My own fund which I have in my salary account is only 2.5 months old. This is why I am going to get additional fund through Gift Deed from my father, which itself will cover the required amount. Will my fund which is 2.5 months old raise concern since, the gift deed would cover my full PoF without taking my own fund into consideration.
Besides, there is no placeholder for Letter of Explanation, in my case,
There is no time frame for PPR. Just pray so that it comes asap.
Hey, do not think negetive. Always be optimistic. Refusal may come at any stage if they suspect any of your documents, but before refuse they normally send a "Procedural Fairness Letter" (Called 'Show Cause' letter) to explain elaborately with necessary supportings on the points they doubt. Refusal is a long term process, it never occur suddenly.
However, in your case refusal chance is 0.1 % i see. So stay cool and prepare urself mentally to fly.
I got a reply to my mail sent to CIC Canada. The reply actually came from Singapore Visa Office (My LVO). According to the reply, my file was transferred to Singapore Visa Office on 12 June, 2017, and currently it is waiting in queue for review by an officer. It also mentions that the review will be done in a chronological order (in order the file were received). And the officer at the LVO will contact me if necessary.
I don't know if it's the 'final review' or 'additional review'.
I am a March 16 applicant (FSWO). My BG is still NA since May 25. Medical Passed.
I have heard that files are sent to a local visa office only after R10 and A11.2 reviews are done.
I got a reply to my mail sent to CIC Canada. The reply actually came from Singapore Visa Office (My LVO). According to the reply, my file was transferred to Singapore Visa Office on 12 June, 2017, and currently it is waiting in queue for review by an officer. It also mentions that the review will be done in a chronological order (in order the file were received). And the officer at the LVO will contact me if necessary.
I don't know if it's the 'final review' or 'additional review'.
I am a March 16 applicant (FSWO). My BG is still NA since May 25. Medical Passed.
I have heard that files are sent to a local visa office only after R10 and A11.2 reviews are done.
আসসালামু আলাইকুম,
আমি যদি ভুল না হই, POF সাধারানত ব্যাংক অ্যাকাউন্টের হতে হয়। কেননা, POF এর জন্য ব্যাংক তার লেটার হেড প্যাডে স্লভেনসি সার্টিফিকেট দেয়. যেটা, Shonchoypotro এর জন্য পাবেন না। সেখাত্ত্রে, আপনাকে Shonchoypotro এর ফটোকপি নোটারী করে হতে পারে।