On top left it is Lastname, First Name
and for 'Name on Credential' - It will be exactly as it is on your transcripts. So for me here it is First name + Last name
Thanks a lot.
@hope2018 and other expert members
Should I go for Standard Delivery ($7) or Tracking ($85) for ECA delivery by WES ? I mean, Is standard delivery like normal post bcz postman of our area is very insincere and he wouldn't deliver un-registered posts.Thanks.
@hope2018 should I go for Standard Delivery ($7) or Tracking ($85) . I mean, Is standard delivery like normal post bcz postman of our area is very insincere and he wouldn't deliver un-registered posts.Thanks.
If I quote my own experience, you should go for Tracking as I chose standard delivery but never got the post. More so as you said delivery is an issue in your area.
If I quote my own experience, you should go for Tracking as I chose standard delivery but never got the post. More so as you said delivery is an issue in your area.
So how u managed .. do they not ask to upload scanned copy of ECA at later stage.. Thanks.
So how u managed .. do they not ask to upload scanned copy of ECA at later stage.. Thanks.
I used soft copy. Sent mail to WES regarding non delivery but no replies, it is a pain to interact with them, that is why suggested you to be safe than be troubled later on.
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CampaignId: [/22646143967/candadavisa/forum_in_thread],
forumSection: Immigration to Canada, subForumSection: Express Entry / Expression of Interest
I used soft copy. Sent mail to WES regarding non delivery but no replies, it is a pain to interact with them, that is why suggested you to be safe than be troubled later on.
Thanks a lot..
I was trying to save your back from Visa officer. Technically there should not be a doubt in the mind of VISA officer while accessing your profile.
I really appreciate that
@mr.preetsingh ..
I just felt that I'm done without NOC. But, now I'm relieved knowing I stand chance to get PR without NOC cuz I have little hope that I'll get NOC from deptt.
Thanks for concern and helping.
P.S. :- What should make reference letter a legit one? If I get one from my immediate supervisor on company's letter head (which is word format and printed as a header to every document) with office address and superior's personal phone no and personal (gmail) mail id alongwith ID card issued by deptt., will it be sufficient then? It won't contain any official phone no or mail id with company's domain name. Please advise. Thanks.
The out and in should be mentioned in travel history or in personal activities.
out and in should be mentioned in Travel History.
I really appreciate that
@mr.preetsingh ..
I just felt that I'm done without NOC. But, now I'm relieved knowing I stand chance to get PR without NOC cuz I have little hope that I'll get NOC from deptt.
Thanks for concern and helping.
P.S. :- What should make reference letter a legit one? If I get one from my immediate supervisor on company's letter head (which is word format and printed as a header to every document) with office address and superior's personal phone no and personal (gmail) mail id alongwith ID card issued by deptt., will it be sufficient then? It won't contain any official phone no or mail id with company's domain name. Please advise. Thanks.
This is more than enough.
@hope2018 and other expert members
Should I go for Standard Delivery ($7) or Tracking ($85) for ECA delivery by WES ? I mean, Is standard delivery like normal post bcz postman of our area is very insincere and he wouldn't deliver un-registered posts.Thanks.
Standard is fine, you only need the soft copy to upload.
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CampaignId: [/22646143967/candadavisa/forum_in_thread],
forumSection: Immigration to Canada, subForumSection: Express Entry / Expression of Interest
We did send the cse for the extension of medical but we didn’t receive any response!!
You will definitely have to appear for Medicals again.
Is stamp necessary?? My manager Hasn't been assigned any stamp from company... Will signature suffice??
Also, is it ok if we provide only e-mail id of reporting manager and not contact number ???
Following is the correct format:
This is to certify that XYZ, a ABC National, has been working Full time (50 hours per week) at XYZ COMPANY on the post of JOB TITLE from ___________ to date. During his service, he has been carrying out the following duties:
1. Duty – 1
2. Duty – 2
3. Duty – 3
4. Duty – 4
5. Duty – 5
6. Duty – 6
7. Duty – 7
8. Duty – 8
His monthly income is $000000/- (approx.) which becomes more than $00000000 Annually.
with Signature and Stamp
You should mention at least 12-14 responsibilities...
Is stamp necessary?? My manager Hasn't been assigned any stamp from company... Will signature suffice??
Also, is it ok if we provide only e-mail id of reporting manager and not contact number ???
For stamp, go to your reception, finance or admin team and stamp from there. The stamp can be of your company. It is not mandatory to be your manager's stamp.
Do provide email id and contact number as, during back ground verification, Visa officer might want to contact your manger.
Hello Friends,
How can I view my information in the EE profile without making any changes. Even if I just view my info without making any changes, I have to do save and exit. On the main dashboard page, it changes the status from transmitted to updated. Is it fine if the status changes or is dere some other way
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Dimensions: [[250,250],[300,300],[970,250],[600,300],[600,480v],'fluid']
CampaignId: [/22646143967/candadavisa/forum_in_thread],
forumSection: Immigration to Canada, subForumSection: Express Entry / Expression of Interest