My bad just noticed you said NA2
Was the request for additional documents during your ip2? And yes it can easily take more than a month
No it was before even medicals :/ after that when I uploaded them medical passed , ip1 >> NA2 and since then July 12 am at NA2 and documents still says are being reviewed
No it was before even medicals :/ after that when I uploaded them medical passed , ip1 >> NA2 and since then July 12 am at NA2 and documents still says are being reviewed
Thats normal, it will change when you reach ip2
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forumSection: Immigration to Canada, subForumSection: Express Entry / Expression of Interest
11 days in ip2 and counting
20 days in IP2 and still counting
Around 25+ got their ppr today morning. Good start for the week
20 days in IP2 and still counting
Do you guys know your visa office?
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forumSection: Immigration to Canada, subForumSection: Express Entry / Expression of Interest
Do you guys know your visa office?
Yes. Mine is Ottawa
My final LVO should be Singapore as that is where all Bangladesh FSWO get stamped. But I haven't checked.
I saw there was another applicant from pakistan got his ppr today, his ip2 started 25th july and ottawa also was his vo. You should be next
27 days in IP2. PNP inland
27 days in IP2. PNP inland
Whats your timeline. I know pnp and cec are taking longer than other streams. Did you by any chance call/mail or ordered GCMS notes?
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CampaignId: [/22646143967/candadavisa/forum_in_thread],
forumSection: Immigration to Canada, subForumSection: Express Entry / Expression of Interest