It is not a good idea to use this account. Move this money into your personal account and then explain that this money was previously kept in a joint account, but your share is now in your personal account. If you cant keep it in your personal acc for 6 months get a notarised affidavit from your mother in-law and husband confirming this transaction.
@TanakaM Thanks alot for replying back. This looks like a better option. i can get half the money from that account to my personal account and it will be enough. but one last query in this case do i need to get gift deed and other docs related to it? i guess no as it was a joint account. but if i transfer this money now into my personal account then it will be fairly new as i am expecting ITA this week with CRS 451. will this work of i have to wait for 6 months so that my account bal is maintained for 6 months.
I am filling my Express Entry profile and have some problems with the fields. For "Study and Languages" section, in "Education History", there's field as "Complete/full academic years".
For my master's studies, it took 4 years (8 semesters) to complete my credit requirements of which I wasn't even registered with the university for 3 semesters and in my transcript it is stated as leave. For 1 other semester, I wasn't attending the university and just was doing my thesis on my own. What do you think I should put in this field?
I suppose there should be a difference when I haven't attended the university, as they as ask you for "Complete/full academic years" even though they get the start and finish dates for the education.
Put 4 years mate. This is of little importance though. The work with your ECA report.
@TanakaM Thanks alot for replying back. This looks like a better option. i can get half the money from that account to my personal account and it will be enough. but one last query in this case do i need to get gift deed and other docs related to it? i guess no as it was a joint account. but if i transfer this money now into my personal account then it will be fairly new as i am expecting ITA this week with CRS 451. will this work of i have to wait for 6 months so that my account bal is maintained for 6 months.
If this is the case follow this:
"If you cant keep it in your personal acc for 6 months get a notarised affidavit from your mother in-law and husband confirming this transaction."
Its not a gift deed. Its confirmation of the fact that your mother in-law and husband agree to sharing these funds.
All the best
i dont think ECA is required in your case since the highest degree was obtained in canada. just copy of degree should be fine
I agree with this as you are just given points for your highest degree.
If this is the case follow this:
"If you cant keep it in your personal acc for 6 months get a notarised affidavit from your mother in-law and husband confirming this transaction."
Its not a gift deed. Its confirmation of the fact that your mother in-law and husband agree to sharing these funds.
All the best
@TanakaM for clearing my doubts. Much appreciated. so i will follow below steps.
1. Transfer required amount of money from the joint account into my personal account.
2. get a notarized affidavit from my mother in law and Husband regarding this transaction.
3. share all the information regarding joint account in LOE and attach bank statements of both my account and the joint account.
Thanks once again
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forumSection: Immigration to Canada, subForumSection: Express Entry / Expression of Interest
Hi Folks!
I need some help regarding claiming points for work experience. I have worked from July 2012 to May 2014(22 months) under job code 4163 as a market researcher/consultant. Post that I went for my masters from June 2014 to Feb 2016. i started working again in June 2016 and my current job duties match with both NOC 4163 and 1123. I do not want to screw up my application due to the overlap by claiming points for 3 years work ex.
Is it okay if I just claim points for my earlier work ex under NOC 4163 for 1 year work ex? I will manage somewhere between 444 and 456 depending on my IELTS result (due on 21st June)
Further, I do not wish to inform my current employer about the process. I can download an employment letter from our internal portal but will not list my job responsibilities. I guess it is required to show the current employmen
@TanakaM for clearing my doubts. Much appreciated. so i will follow below steps.
1. Transfer required amount of money from the joint account into my personal account.
2. get a notarized affidavit from my mother in law and Husband regarding this transaction.
3. share all the information regarding joint account in LOE and attach bank statements of both my account and the joint account.
Thanks once again
Yes, this will put you in a much better position.
All the best
Yes, this will put you in a much better position.
All the best
Thanks for the help
@TanakaM . Much Appreciated.
i dont think ECA is required in your case since the highest degree was obtained in canada. just copy of degree should be fine
thestunner316. In this forum, you will find contradictory views. Is there a way to confirm this?
Good day. I need some help in clearing doubts for funds to show. I, main applicant has 30% in my saving account and rest or in different accounts of my spouse in form of FD and saving. Should I transfer all these funds in my account after aboilishing FD's or it will work in same form. My spouse will be accompanying with me.
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CampaignId: [/22646143967/candadavisa/forum_in_thread],
forumSection: Immigration to Canada, subForumSection: Express Entry / Expression of Interest
Good day. I need some help in clearing doubts for funds to show. I, main applicant has 30% in my saving account and rest or in different accounts of my spouse in form of FD and saving. Should I transfer all these funds in my account after aboilishing FD's or it will work in same form. My spouse will be accompanying with me.
No need, since he/she is accompanying the funds can be in his/her account.
thestunner316. In this forum, you will find contradictory views. Is there a way to confirm this?
check WES website itself, or IRCC.
Or take my word for it
I have seen several members previously who only had their highest degree evaluated.
The only place where i would recommend getting both bachelors and masters evaluated is if you have a non MBA or non MS masters, like MA or MCom or something along those lines - I have seen several times where WES evaluates it as equal to bachelors degree... in those cases better to get both masters and bachelors evaluated, that gives you an option to get "two or more degrees" which fetches higher points.
remember - every single point matters....
good luck
No need, since he/she is accompanying the funds can be in his/her account.
hey DelP... long time no see... hope all good
whats your application status now... nothing in your signature
Hello guys,
I have a query, can i fly from a country other than the country where visa was issued. Mine was issued from singapore and now i want to fly from india. Please advise. Thanks
Hello guys,
I have a query, can i fly from a country other than the country where visa was issued. Mine was issued from singapore and now i want to fly from india. Please advise. Thanks
you can fly from the moon if you wish
anywhere is fine
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CampaignId: [/22646143967/candadavisa/forum_in_thread],
forumSection: Immigration to Canada, subForumSection: Express Entry / Expression of Interest