CIC has risk profiles based on multiple factors - Nationality, Travel History, Age, employment history etc. If you are deemed high risk then this triggers Security Screening.
Security Screening is designed to assess an individual for war crimes, crimes against humanity, organized crime and/or security related concerns.
Time to clear will depend on getting information from various agencies - both Canadian and international. Obviously if you are from Syria, Libya & Iran etc then it will take longer for them to gather and process the information.
As database searches are involved, I can only imagine that if certain unsavory people are having similar names & DOB then this can cause further delays in clearing your case.
Maybe extensive traveling? Do you guys have extensive traveling history? And maybe it could be country of origin/residence (I mean I'm from Pakistan so that could be a reason). One thing I see common between me and you is the Visa Office (Ottawa) and FSW- O. Could be a pattern...
Well I'm FSWO, Middleeastern, with a past 'mandatory' military service, but I have like no travel history and absolutely no reason to trigger any security concerns.
Well I'm FSWO, Middleeastern, with a past 'mandatory' military service, but I have like no travel history and absolutely no reason to trigger any security concerns.
same here brother my BG check went in progress on March 28, and since then no update. i dont have GCMS notes but the Case specific inquiry says that additional BG checks are required. so i think i am selected for security screening too. my application just entered its 8 month
same here brother my BG check went in progress on March 28, and since then no update. i dont have GCMS notes but the Case specific inquiry says that additional BG checks are required. so i think i am selected for security screening too. my application just entered its 8 month
CIC has risk profiles based on multiple factors - Nationality, Travel History, Age, employment history etc. If you are deemed high risk then this triggers Security Screening.
Security Screening is designed to assess an individual for war crimes, crimes against humanity, organized crime and/or security related concerns.
Time to clear will depend on getting information from various agencies - both Canadian and international. Obviously if you are from Syria, Libya & Iran etc then it will take longer for them to gather and process the information.
As database searches are involved, I can only imagine that if certain unsavory people are having similar names & DOB then this can cause further delays in clearing your case.
I've done my research on Security Screening aswell. The only reason that I can think of for me is extensive traveling, and some of those travels are to countries that might be a cause of concern for CIC. Otherwise my background is absolutely clear as far as I am concerned...
This is what i see on my GCMS notes as of mid April. Im assuming that Activity 1 & Activity 2 relate to database searches/information sharing with other agencies.
I have seen some other GCMS notes with about 5-8 of these activities, so im speculating that im roughly about half way complete. So perhaps my application will get completed within the 6 month period.
UCI: xxxx
Name: xxxx
Sub-Activity/Activity Type: Security Screening
Field Name: Status
UCI: xxxxx
Name: xxxxx
Sub-Activity/Activity Type: Security Screening
Field Name: Status
UCI: xxxxx
Name: xxxx
Sub-Activity/Activity Type:Security Screening
Field Name: Status
New Value: Not Started
Updated Date: 2017/03/xx
Updated By: 00xxxxx
Office: CPC-Ottawa
Last edited:
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forumSection: Immigration to Canada, subForumSection: Express Entry / Expression of Interest
This is what i see on my GCMS notes as of mid April. Im assuming that Activity 1 & Activity 2 relate to database searches/information sharing with other agencies.
I have seen some other GCMS notes with about 5-8 of these activities, so im speculating that im roughly about half way complete. So perhaps my application will get completed within the 6 month period.
UCI: xxxx
Name: xxxx
Sub-Activity/Activity Type: Security Screening
Field Name: Status
UCI: xxxxx
Name: xxxxx
Sub-Activity/Activity Type: Security Screening
Field Name: Status
UCI: xxxxx
Name: xxxx
Sub-Activity/Activity Type:Security Screening
Field Name: Status
New Value: Not Started
Updated Date: 2017/03/xx
Updated By: 00xxxxx
Office: CPC-Ottawa
This is what i see on my GCMS notes as of mid April. Im assuming that Activity 1 & Activity 2 relate to database searches/information sharing with other agencies.
I have seen some other GCMS notes with about 5-8 of these activities, so im speculating that im roughly about half way complete. So perhaps my application will get completed within the 6 month period.
UCI: xxxx
Name: xxxx
Sub-Activity/Activity Type: Security Screening
Field Name: Status
UCI: xxxxx
Name: xxxxx
Sub-Activity/Activity Type: Security Screening
Field Name: Status
UCI: xxxxx
Name: xxxx
Sub-Activity/Activity Type:Security Screening
Field Name: Status
New Value: Not Started
Updated Date: 2017/03/xx
Updated By: 00xxxxx
Office: CPC-Ottawa
my is similar, except my activity 3 updated date is 2017/05..........Does that mean I have to wait at least extra 6 months to 1 year?
That really sucks~~