Hello, I am a software developer on Upwork. I have a few questions.
- I have 2 clients. With 1 client I have worked continuously for more than 4 years. But with the other client I have worked on and off for over the period of 3 years. Should I only use my 1st client in my EE profile? Or Can I use both of these jobs in my experience even though with the second client it was not continuous work?
- With my first client I have worked 30 hours per week. Is it sufficient?
- My clients are giving me work experience/reference letters. And I have all the payslips with me. But I want to know whether we are required to show all of the payslips or only some of them?
- In case of freelancing, is there any specific amount per year that freelancers should earn in order to be eligible to enter the pool?
- When we fill the work experience, there are two fields: country and city. Should I write my country name and city name aur the client's country name and city name?
- Is freelancing considered as self employment?
- I have been told that we shouldn't show the name of such a platform in our EE profile. Is it true that it will not be accepted?