Hello frenz,
Do we need WES evaluation for secondary applicant also..education is from India only ...but we are claiming points for her Bachelors also...
Thanx a ton
If you are claiming points for spouse's education then definitely YES.
What is the eapr form that needs to be filled out after accepting an ITA? Is it available online? What are the usual questions or information required?
I need help on how to apply for the first step.thanks
What is the eapr form that needs to be filled out after accepting an ITA? Is it available online? What are the usual questions or information required?
It gets generated only after you receive the ITA.
Can anybody else please help with your suggestion? Here's a deadlock it seems and I am in a fix.
I am doing the same for my wife. mentioning her experience in personal history as not claiming any points for it.
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forumSection: Immigration to Canada, subForumSection: Express Entry / Expression of Interest
Question: I got a reference letter from my ex-company with the below details.
Total experience: 9 years
Dates and locations(multiple locations): India, USA, Canada. Created separate rows for each location by date.
Annual Salary, hours worked per week and whether the job was full-time or part-time
Responsibilities as per the NOC 2174. These were constant throughout the 9 years.
However, they just mentioned my last designation and not all designations as that is their policy.
Thoughts on whether this should be sufficient?
Hi there,
I have been refused AINP because my NOC is 4214 and I have open WP, not LMIA (I don't think I need LMIA when I am already legal to work in Canada).
I think I will apply to EE, but my listening is only 6 so I will take the CELPIP again next week. I have 1 year work experience. Any idea if I will get ITA? I don't know what to do now, super frustrated.
I have submitted my PR file. But I put my wrong height. Is there any way to correct it. Please reply me.
If you are claiming points for spouse's education then definitely YES.
Thank u
hi everyone,
does anyone here know if temporary job counts towards PR or not?
I have been offered 6 months of temporary full time position,but someone told me that temporary work doesn't count for PR.
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CampaignId: [/22646143967/candadavisa/forum_in_thread],
forumSection: Immigration to Canada, subForumSection: Express Entry / Expression of Interest
Hello Everyone!
What a pleasant morning it is. Just recieved my IELTS score and got 8877 in LRSW, which takes my CRS to 480. Surely I will be getting ITA on next Wednesday.
I have a query -
my spouse is a canadian citizen but We are not in talking terms for more than a year now. Also, she had previously withdrew spouse sponsership application where she was sponser and I was sponsered person.
What documents do I need to submit for my spouse? I'm sure she won't provide any help or information. Rather she would make all efforts to make things difficult for me.
Also, would previous withdraw of spouse sponsership application make any negative impact on my PR file now??
Kindly advice. Thanks in advance.
It gets generated only after you receive the ITA.
Would you know what information they usually ask? Is it only the principal applicant that needs to fill out an application form or do they likewise ask for the spouse’s information?
Is it correct what I read in this post that Proof of funds for those getting direct ITAs in the express entry pool needs to be in the bank for only a month and 6 months for provincial nominees? So for those getting ITAs who are not under any pnp the required bank statement is only for the past month prior to submission?
Hi everyone.
While filing up my PR application, in the Proof of Means of Financial Support (I understand this is the POF that we talk about most often) I am in a fix. Will try and explain the case here:
I have more than the minimum amount required in mutual funds that I have been investing in for about 10 years now. The monthly statements reflect the same. And that the required money if not all (since these mutual funds come with a 3 years lock-in) can be liquidated anytime I need. Now my question is:
1. What kind of proof can I submit to suffice the required documentation? Will the statement only do or do I need to get a letter specifically mentioning things?
2. If my mutual funds are sufficient to fulfil the amount I need to take along to Canada, are my bank statements anyhow required to be uploaded?
I hope I am misunderstanding anything here and not mixing things.
Thanks in advance.
Is it correct what I read in this post that Proof of funds for those getting direct ITAs in the express entry pool needs to be in the bank for only a month and 6 months for provincial nominees? So for those getting ITAs who are not under any pnp the required bank statement is only for the past month prior to submission?
Incorrect- both PNP and FSW direct ITA applicants have to furnish Proof of Funds.
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CampaignId: [/22646143967/candadavisa/forum_in_thread],
forumSection: Immigration to Canada, subForumSection: Express Entry / Expression of Interest